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Spanish Phrase of the Day

cómo le va


Spanish > English
cómo le va
     1. Phrase. how's it going?
     1. adv. (interrogative) how?
     2. interj. (interrogative) sorry? what? (expressing surprise or asking to repeat)
     3. n-m. how
     1. pron. to him, for him; dative of él
           Mi mamá va a escribirle una carta. - My mom is going to write him a letter.
     2. pron. to her, for her; dative of ella
           Le dio un beso a Ana. - He gave Ana a kiss.
     3. pron. to it, for it; dative of ello
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of ir
     2. interj. (Mexico) okay
          1. v. to go (away from speaker and listener)
                Nos gusta ir al cine. - We like to go to the movies.
          2. v. to come (towards or with the listener)
                Quiero ir contigo. - I want to come with you.
                Iré a tu casa. - I'll come to your house.

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