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Spanish Phrase of the Day

común y corriente


Spanish > English
común y corriente
     1. adj. (idiom) typical, common
     1. adj. common, ordinary
     2. adj. common, joint
     3. adj. usual
     4. n-m. all of the people or inhabitants of a city, town
     5. n-m. community
     1. Letter. the 26th letter of the Spanish alphabet
     2. conj. and
     3. conj. (in names of number) and
           setenta y seis - seventy-six
     4. conj. (in arithmetic) plus, and
     1. adj. flowing, running
           agua corriente - running water
     2. adj. current (existing or occurring at the moment)
           el corriente (mes) - the current month
     3. adj. common, usual

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