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Spanish Phrase of the Day

de buenas a primeras


Spanish > English
de buenas a primeras
     1. adv. out of the blue
     2. adv. at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in a heartbeat, all of a sudden
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
           Constitución española de 1812 - Spanish constitution of 1812
           la cola del perro - the dog’s tail
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
           Soy de España. - I’m from Spain.
     1. interj. (informal) hello, hi
     2. interj. (informal) morning, afternoon
     3. adj. feminine plural of bueno
     4. n. plural of buena
          1. n-f. (obsolete) inheritance
          2. adj. feminine singular of bueno
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
           Lo busca a usted. - He is looking for you.
     1. adj. feminine plural of primero
     2. n. plural of primera
          1. n-f. lowest gear in a motor vehicle
          2. n-f. first class
          3. adj. feminine singular of primero

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