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Spanish Phrase of the Day

de nada


Spanish > English
de nada
     1. interj. think nothing of it, you're welcome, don't mention it, no worries (informal), my pleasure
Spanish > Spanish
de nada
     1. Expresión que se dice en respuesta a alguien que ha agradecido algo.
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
           Constitución española de 1812 - Spanish constitution of 1812
           la cola del perro - the dog’s tail
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
           Soy de España. - I’m from Spain.
     1. pron. nothing, zero, zilch, not...anything
           No hay nada en la mesa. - There is nothing on the table.
           Nada ocurrió ayer. - Nothing happened yesterday.
           No veo nada. - I don’t see anything.
           Me niego a creer nada de lo que dice. - I refuse to believe anything he says.
          1. v. to swim
          2. v. to be swimming in (used with "en")
                ¡Nadamos en dinero! - We're swimming in money!

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