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Spanish Phrase of the Day

en voz baja


Spanish > English
en voz baja
     1. adv. quietly, under one's breath
     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     1. n-f. voice
     2. n-f. term; word
     1. n-f. casualty, loss
           Tuvimos demasiadas bajas, por ese perdimos la guerra. - We had too many casualties, that is why we lost the war.
     2. n-f. drop, fall, reduction
     3. n-f. sick leave (absence for illness)
           No se requiere de los jefes que paguen a sus empleados la baja por enfermedad. - Employers are not required to give their employees paid sick leave.
          1. v. to go down, come down
          2. v. to get off, to get down, to climb down, to step down, to get out (e.g., of/from a platform or vehicle)
                Bajé del taxi. - I got out of the taxi.
                Bajaron del árbol. - They climbed down the tree.
          3. v. (colloquial) to kill (a person)
          1. adj. short (of little height)
          2. adj. low, ground (situated close to the ground)
          3. adj. low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality)
          4. adj. (music) bass
          5. adj. base, mean, low, despicable

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