Spanish > English |
en voz baja |
1. adv. quietly, under one's breath |
Analysis |
en |
1. prep. in, at, on |
Estoy en casa. - I'm at home. |
Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer. |
en esta página - on this page |
en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table |
voz |
1. n-f. voice |
2. n-f. term; word |
baja |
1. n-f. casualty, loss |
Tuvimos demasiadas bajas, por ese perdimos la guerra. - We had too many casualties, that is why we lost the war. |
2. n-f. drop, fall, reduction |
3. n-f. sick leave (absence for illness) |
No se requiere de los jefes que paguen a sus empleados la baja por enfermedad. - Employers are not required to give their employees paid sick leave. |
bajar |
1. v. to go down, come down |
2. v. to get off, to get down, to climb down, to step down, to get out (e.g., of/from a platform or vehicle) |
Bajé del taxi. - I got out of the taxi. |
Bajaron del árbol. - They climbed down the tree. |
3. v. (colloquial) to kill (a person) |
bajo |
1. adj. short (of little height) |
2. adj. low, ground (situated close to the ground) |
3. adj. low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality) |
4. adj. (music) bass |
5. adj. base, mean, low, despicable |