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Spanish Phrase of the Day

hasta ahora


Spanish > English
hasta ahora
     1. adv. up to now, so far, heretofore
           Hasta ahora nunca hemos tenido este problema. - Up to now we've never had this problem.
     2. Phrase. see you later
     1. adv. even
           Hasta yo me enteré del asunto. - Even I heard about the matter.
     2. prep. until
     3. prep. up to, to the point of, as much as
     4. prep. even
     1. adv. now (at the present time)
     2. adv. just now, just a moment ago (in the past)
     3. adv. very soon, in a moment (in the future)
     4. adv. (usually preceded by de) of nowadays, of today, latter-day
           La juventud de ahora entiende esto y más. - Today's youth understands this and more.

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