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Spanish Phrase of the Day

mala suerte


Spanish > English
mala suerte
     1. n-f. bad luck
     2. interj. bad luck; tough luck
     1. n-f. female equivalent of malo
     2. adj. feminine singular of malo
     3. n-f. suitcase
     4. n-f. mailbag
     5. n-f. mail, post
          1. adj. bad
          2. adj. evil, mean
          3. adj. sick
          4. n-m. bad guy; baddie; bad boy; bad person
     1. n-f. luck, fortune
     2. n-f. lot, fate
           Esta es mi suerte en la vida, y tengo que aceptarla. - This is my lot in life, and I have to accept it.
     3. n-f. sort, kind, type
     4. n-f. oracular response

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