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Spanish Phrase of the Day

qué tal


Spanish > English
qué tal
     1. interj. how are you?, what's up
           Hola, ¿qué tal? - Hi, what's up?
     2. interj. how about
           ¿Qué tal tu nuevo ordenador? - How about your new computer?
     3. interj. how was, how is
           ¿Qué tal la película? - How was the movie?
           ¿Qué tal estuvo la fiesta? - How was the party?
           ¿Qué tal el viaje? - How was the trip?
     1. det. what; which (interrogative only)
           ¿Qué camisa quiere? - Which shirt do you want?
     2. det. what; which
           No sabía qué hacer - I didn't know what to do
     3. adv. (before a noun) what a; such (used as an intensifier)
     1. adj. such
           No hay tal cosa como los monstruos. - There's no such thing as monsters.

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