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Spanish Phrase of the Day

querer decir


Spanish > English
querer decir
     1. v. (idiom) to mean, to get at, to be getting at (in the sense of the want to convey something)
           ¿Qué quieres decir? - What do you want to say?
           ¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir? - Do you see what I'm getting at?
Spanish > Spanish
querer decir
     1. Significar o dar a entender.
           ¿Qué quiere decir esa cara tan triste que has puesto?
     1. v. to desire, to want, to want to
           Yo quiero leer ese libro. - I want to read that book.
     2. v. to love; to be fond of
           Te quiero. - I love you.
           Ese hombre quiere a su país y moriría por él sin vacilar. - That man loves his country and would die for it without hesitation.
     1. v. to say, to tell
           Es un mentiroso. Nunca dice la verdad. - He's a liar. He never tells the truth.
           ¿Qué te dijeron? - What did they tell you?
     2. v. to suggest
     3. v. to show; to demonstrate

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