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Spanish Phrase of the Day

quién sabe


Spanish > English
quién sabe
     1. Phrase. (rhetorical question) who knows?
quién  ©
     1. pron. who?, whom?; (with “de”) whose?
           ¿Con quién hablo? - With whom am I speaking?
           ¡Quién lo hubiera creído! - Who would have believed it!?
           ¿De quién es este libro? - Whose book is this?
           ¿Quién enseña la clase? - Who teaches the class?
     1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of saber
          1. v. to know (a fact), to wit
                Sé que volverá. - I know that it'll come back.
                Lo siguiente que sé... - Next thing I know...
                que yo sepa - as far as I know
                Si tu supieras... - If you knew...

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