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Spanish Phrase of the Day

tener cuidado


Spanish > English
tener cuidado
     1. v. take care
     2. v. watch out
     1. v. to have, possess
           Ella tiene seis hermanos. - She has six brothers.
           Tengo una pluma. - I have a pen.
     2. v. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
           Usted tiene suerte. - You have luck.
     1. interj. watch out!
     2. interj. beware!
     3. interj. be careful!
     4. n-m. care (close attention; concern)
     5. n-m. care (maintenance, upkeep)
          1. v. to take care of, to care for
                A usted le sugiero que cuide a sus propios niños, y yo voy a preocuparme de los míos. - I suggest that you care for your own children and I'll worry about mine.
          2. v. to look after, to look out for, to keep an eye on, to guard, to protect, to watch over, to watch out for (implies doing so with care)
                Por favor, cuida de mi hija después de que muera. - Please, look out for my daughter after I'm gone.
                El perro leal siempre cuida la casa. - The loyal dog always guards the house.

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