Spanish > English |
tener cuidado |
1. v. take care |
2. v. watch out |
Analysis |
tener |
1. v. to have, possess |
Ella tiene seis hermanos. - She has six brothers. |
Tengo una pluma. - I have a pen. |
2. v. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality) |
Usted tiene suerte. - You have luck. |
cuidado |
1. interj. watch out! |
2. interj. beware! |
3. interj. be careful! |
4. n-m. care (close attention; concern) |
5. n-m. care (maintenance, upkeep) |
cuidar |
1. v. to take care of, to care for |
A usted le sugiero que cuide a sus propios niños, y yo voy a preocuparme de los míos. - I suggest that you care for your own children and I'll worry about mine. |
2. v. to look after, to look out for, to keep an eye on, to guard, to protect, to watch over, to watch out for (implies doing so with care) |
Por favor, cuida de mi hija después de que muera. - Please, look out for my daughter after I'm gone. |
El perro leal siempre cuida la casa. - The loyal dog always guards the house. |