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Spanish Phrase of the Day

tomar en cuenta


Spanish > English
tomar en cuenta
     1. v. to take into account; to keep in mind
           Tienes que tomar en cuenta que a veces completar un libro significa tener que empezar otro. - You should keep in mind that sometimes finishing a book means having to start another.
     2. v. to pay attention to, to mind
tomar  ©
     1. v. to take
           Los niños toman clases de inglés - The children take English classes
           Me tomó mucho tiempo - It took me a long time
           Tómalo con calma. - Take it easy.
           Me tomaron por un loco. - They took me for a lunatic.
     1. prep. in, at, on
           Estoy en casa. - I'm at home.
           Estoy sentado en la computadora. - I'm sitting at the computer.
           en esta página - on this page
           en la caja en la mesa - in the box on the table
     1. n-f. count, tally
     2. n-f. (mathematics) operation
     3. n-f. bill
           Nos trae la cuenta, por favor - Bring us the bill, please
     4. n-f. tab (e.g. at a bar or pub)
          1. v. to count; to tally
          2. v. to tell (a story); narrate
          3. v. to be (a certain number of years of age)
                Cuando contaba treinta años. - When he was thirty years of age
          4. v. (indtr, con) to rely on

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