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Spanish Sentence of the Day


En el cofre había unos libros antiguos.




In the chest there were some antique books.


Había es el Pretérito Imperfecto del verbo haber. Igual que en su forma en Presente (hay), siempre se conjuga en la tercera persona del singular, independiente mente de que el complemento que le acompaña esté en singular o en plural: Hay muchos libros / Habían muchos libros.


     1. prep. in, at, on
     2. prep. in (a time)
     3. prep. in (a language)
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
     1. art. (masculine singular definite article); the
     2. art. feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed 'a':
     1. n-m. chest, coffer, trunk
     2. n-m. safe
     3. n-m. bonnet, hood (engine compartment of a car)
     1. v. third-person singular imperfect indicative of haber.
          1. v. (auxiliary) to have
          2. v. (obsolete) to hold, to possess
          3. v. (impersonal, in third person singular only) to exist; “there is”, “there are” (hay); “there was”, “there were” (había)
          4. v. (dated, or formal) to have to (+ de + infinitive)
          5. v. (Used only in the third-person existential form) to be necessary (+ que + infinitive)
          6. v. used to denote a past obligation
          7. n-m. asset
          8. n-m. history
          9. n-m. credit side
     1. art. masculine plural of un
     2. det. plural of uno: some, a few
     3. det. (with a specific time) about, approximately
     4. pron. plural of uno: some, a few
     1. n. plural of libro
          1. n-m. book
          2. v. first-person singular present indicative of librar
     1. adj. masculine plural of antiguo
     2. n. (philosophy) the ancients
          1. adj. old, former, erstwhile, quondam, one-time, onetime
          2. adj. old, ancient, age-old
          3. adj. vintage, antique
          4. adj. old-fashioned, outdated, old-style, old-time
          5. adj. long-standing, longstanding
          6. v. first-person singular present indicative of antiguar

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