le |
1. pron. to him, for him; dative of él |
2. pron. to her, for her; dative of ella |
3. pron. to it, for it; dative of ello |
4. pron. to you, for you (formal); dative of usted |
5. pron. gender-neutral;neologism to them, for them (singular); dative of elle |
esperamos |
1. v. first-person plural preterit indicative of esperar |
esperar |
1. v. to hope for, hope to (qual, often with a verb in the subjunctive) |
2. v. to expect, look for (qual, often with a verb in the indicative) |
3. v. to wait to, wait for, await |
4. v. to wait, to hold on (reflexive for emphatic use) |
5. v. to hope |
6. v. to expect (qual, a baby) |
7. v. to be expected, to expect (impersonal use) |
8. v. to spare |
mañana |
1. adv. tomorrow |
2. adv. soon, shortly |
3. n-f. the morning |
4. n-m. the near future; tomorrow |
a |
1. prep. to |
2. prep. by |
3. prep. at |
4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a. |
las |
1. art. the |
2. pron. accusative of ellas and ustedes (when referring to more than one woman); them, you all (formal) |
3. pron. feminine plural pronoun |
4. n. plural of la |
la |
1. art. the |
2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal) |
3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this |
4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale) |
5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key) |
diez |
1. num. ten |
2. n-m. (education, number grade) A (highest grade in testing) |