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Spanish Sentence of the Day


Por favor abre la ventana.




Please open the window.


     1. prep. by (indicates the creator of a work)
     2. prep. for (indicates something given in an exchange)
     3. prep. through, out, via (indicating movement)
     4. prep. across (indicating movement)
     5. prep. about
     6. prep. due to, because of, for, for the sake of, out of (to express cause or motive)
     7. prep. (used with directions) over
     8. prep. (mathematics) times, by, multiplied by
     9. prep. according to, for, regarding (to express opinion or something concerning someone)
     10. prep. via, through, by (indicating the means of something)
     11. prep. for (indicating duration)
     12. prep. for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit)
     13. prep. per, for each
     14. prep. to (indicating something that has not yet passed)
     15. prep. about to (indicating something that will soon happen)
     16. prep. compared to; against; versus (indicating a comparison)
     1. n-m. favor/favour
por favor
     1. interj. please
     2. interj. you're welcome
     1. v. informal second-person singular affirmative imperative of abrir
          1. v. to open, open up
          2. v. to unlock
          3. v. to turn on
          4. v. to start, open, open up, set up (a business, restaurant, etc.)
          5. v. to crack, crack open, to pop (e.g., a safe, a bottle, a coconut)
          6. v. to break, break open, (new ground, a game, etc.); to break out (gloss, e.g., champagne); to breach
          7. v. to spread (one's legs, arms, fingers)
          8. v. to answer (the door)
          9. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to open up (to become communicative)
          10. v. to leave, go away
          11. v. (Latin America, reflexive) to withdraw, back out of
          12. n-m. the act of opening
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ella, ello (when the antecedent's implied gender is feminine), and usted (when referring to a woman); her, it, you (formal)
     3. pron. (impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases): it, this
     4. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of the scale)
     5. n-m. (music) A (the musical note or key)
     1. n-f. window (opening for light and air)
     2. n-f. window frame
     3. n-f. (computing) window (area on a computer screen)
     4. n-f. nostril
     5. n-f. small gap or opening; forest clearing

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