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Spanish Sentence of the Day


Tenemos que tener cuidado, estamos pisando un terreno movedizo.




We need to be careful, we're walking on unstable land.


     1. v. first-person plural present indicative of tener
          1. v. to have, possess
          2. v. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
          3. v. to hold, grasp
          4. v. to contain, to hold (e.g. to "hold the power to", "hold the key", "hold a clue", "hold the truth", "have a hold on", "hold in store", "hold all the cards", "hold in high regard", etc.)
          5. v. to have, feel (internally)
          6. v. to make to feel
          7. v. to have (a measure or age)
          8. v. (used with que) to have to
          9. v. to get (e.g. to get a minute, to get an idea, to get a chance, to get a concussion/bruise/headache, to get in an accident, to get a place, to get a view of, to get a meeting, to get a vision, etc.)
          10. v. to keep, to bear (in certain phrases; e.g. to bear in mind, bear a resemblance, keep a journal/diary, keep around something or someone)
          11. v. to make (in a few select phrases)
          12. v. to be taken (usually has deber for an auxiliary verb when used)
          13. v. attention, Expressions that may need to be explained:
          14. v. tener en cuenta
          15. v. tener prisa
     1. conj. that
     2. conj. than
     3. conj. (indicating a reason); because, for
     4. conj. (indicating desire or permission); may (used with the subjunctive)
     5. pron. who; that
     6. pron. that; whom
     7. pron. that; which
     8. prep. than
     9. prep. like, as
     10. part. to
     1. v. to have, possess
     2. v. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
     3. v. to hold, grasp
     4. v. to contain, to hold (e.g. to "hold the power to", "hold the key", "hold a clue", "hold the truth", "have a hold on", "hold in store", "hold all the cards", "hold in high regard", etc.)
     5. v. to have, feel (internally)
     6. v. to make to feel
     7. v. to have (a measure or age)
     8. v. (used with que) to have to
     9. v. to get (e.g. to get a minute, to get an idea, to get a chance, to get a concussion/bruise/headache, to get in an accident, to get a place, to get a view of, to get a meeting, to get a vision, etc.)
     10. v. to keep, to bear (in certain phrases; e.g. to bear in mind, bear a resemblance, keep a journal/diary, keep around something or someone)
     11. v. to make (in a few select phrases)
     12. v. to be taken (usually has deber for an auxiliary verb when used)
     13. v. attention, Expressions that may need to be explained:
     14. v. tener en cuenta
     15. v. tener prisa
     1. interj. watch out!
     2. interj. beware!
     3. interj. be careful!
     4. n-m. care (close attention; concern)
     5. n-m. care (maintenance, upkeep)
     6. n-m. care (the treatment of those in need)
     7. Participle. past participle of cuidar
          1. v. to take care of, to care for
          2. v. to look after, to look out for, to keep an eye on, to guard, to protect, to watch over, to watch out for (implies doing so with care)
          3. v. to mind, to watch, to pay attention
          4. v. to babysit
          5. v. to keep, to sit on (e.g. one's house, keeping the place in order)
          6. v. to nurse, to nurture, to tend, to tend to, to attend to (e.g. nurse back to health, to tend a garden or yard, tend to a herd or flock)
          7. v. to take care, to take care of, to look after, to care for (oneself)
          8. v. to be careful of/with, to beware, to watch out for, to be wary of (+ de)
tener cuidado
     1. v. take care
     2. v. watch out
     1. v. first-person plural present indicative of estar
          1. v. to be (have a temporary or permanent location in space)
          2. v. to be (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
          3. v. to be (auxiliary verb for the progressive/continuous aspect, preceding the gerund of the verb)
          4. v. to be in a state (in a passive voice sense)
          5. v. to be, stay (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
          6. v. to be to be done, to be (still) undone:
          7. v. to be in a long-term state (in specific idioms)
     1. v. gerund of pisar
          1. v. to step; to walk; to tread
          2. v. to step on; to walk on (something); to tread on (something)
          3. v. (vulgar, Cuba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, intransitive, transitive) to have sex, fuck
     1. art. a
     2. num. (before the noun) apocopic form of uno one
     1. adj. (relational) ground; land; earth
     2. adj. (relational) earthly
     3. n-m. land
     4. n-m. ground
     5. n-m. grounds (qual, plural)
     6. n-m. pitch
     1. adj. unstable

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