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Spanish Sentence of the Day


Un billete de ida y vuelta.




A round trip ticket.


     1. art. a
     2. num. (before the noun) apocopic form of uno one
     1. n-m. banknote, bill (paper currency)
     2. n-m. (Spain, Philippines) ticket
     3. n-m. (heraldry) billet
     4. n-m. (colloquial) money
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
     3. prep. of (expressing composition, substance)
     4. prep. about (concerning; with regard to)
     5. prep. of, from (indicating cause)
     6. prep. of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
     7. prep. from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
     8. prep. of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
     9. prep. from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
     10. prep. than (in certain phrases)
     11. prep. (used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns))
     12. prep. (followed by the infinitive) (indicates a conditional desire)
     13. prep. indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
     14. prep. (after a noun and before a verb) (indicates the purpose of an object)
     1. n-f. outward leg (of a journey)
     2. n-f. going
     3. n-f. march
     4. n-f. (sports) first leg (the first of the two matches or “legs” which are played between two teams in a two-legged tie)
     5. adj. feminine singular of ido
     6. Participle. feminine singular of ido
     1. conj. and
     2. conj. (in names of number) and
     3. conj. (in arithmetic) plus, and
     4. conj. (informal) well
     5. conj. (informal) what about, how about, where is/are the
     1. n-f. turn
     2. n-f. return
     3. n-f. walk
     4. n-f. tour, trip
     5. n-f. change (money given back when a customer hands over more than the exact price of an item)
     6. n-f. (sports) lap (one circuit around a race track, or one traversal down and then back the length of a pool)
     7. n-f. (sports) second leg, return leg (the second of the two matches or “legs” which are played between two teams in a two-legged tie)
     8. Participle. feminine singular of vuelto
     feminine singular volver
ida y vuelta
     1. n-m. round trip, return trip

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