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The Spanish word for bear is



The gender of oso is masculine. E.g. el oso.


The plural of oso is osos.

Spanish Definition

     1. vt. Soportar, aguantar.
     2. vt. Resistir, aguantar.
     3. vt. Tolerar.
     4. vt. Parir, dar a luz.
           My mother bore me in the southern wild.
           "Mi madre me dio a luz en el sur salvaje".
     5. vt. Producir naturalmente, dar.
           A Peasant had in his garden an Apple-Tree which bore no fruit ....
           "Un campesino tenía en su jardín una manzano que no daba fruto ...".
     6. vt. Cargar, llevar.
           Every book bears the stamp of the time and circumstances in which it was produced.
           "Todo libro lleva la estampa del tiempo y circunstancias en las que fue producido"
     7. vt. Conducirse.
     8. vt. Difundir chismes o historias, chismorrear.
     9. vt. Virar.
     10. vt. Tener, poseer.
           I bore no grudge against the Zulus.
           "Yo no tenía resentimiento contra Zulus".
     11. vt. Aceptar obligaciones, responsabilidad, etc.
     12. vt. Rendir, dar.
           I have an anxiety to bear testimony to the truth.
           "Tengo ansiedad de dar testimonio de la verdad".
     13. vt. Estar localizado, situado.
     14. n. Oso.
     15. n. Persona que cree que los precios del mercado bajarán.
     16. adj. Propio o relacionado con la baja de precios.
     17. vt. Forzar o provocar la caída de los precios.

Translations for bear and their definitions

     1. v. to bear, to endure, to withstand, put up with, tolerate, to stomach, to weather, to handle
     2. v. to support a weight or load

     1. v. to take, to carry, to take away, to carry away, to carry around, to bring, to bear, to lug (implies to move something further from who speaks)
           Le llevaré un regalo a Rosa para su cumpleaños. - I will take a present to Rosa for her birthday.
     2. v. to take, to take out (implies moving someone further from the speaker)
           Llevamos a las chicas al cine. - We're taking the girls to the movies.
     3. v. (indtr, a, intr=1) to lead, to lead to, to drive, to drive to
           A la luz de esos resultados, todo esto lleva a la conclusión de que hay que idear métodos alternativos. - In light of those findings, all this leads to the conclusion that alternative methods s
     4. v. to have spent time, have been
           Llevo seis años aquí. - I've been here 6 years.
           Llevo dos años estudiando francés. - I've been studying French for two years.
           Llevamos más de 30 años casados. - We've been married for more than 30 years.
     5. v. to wear (ellipsis of the more formal llevar puesto)
           Llevaba una blusa rosa. - She was wearing a pink blouse.
     6. v. to have, include (have as a component, part, accessory or ingredient)
           Si es quesadilla lleva queso, si no lleva queso, no es quesadilla. - If it is a quesadilla, it has cheese; if it does not have cheese it is not a quesadilla.
           Esta palabra no lleva acento. - This word does not have an accent mark.
     7. v. to give a lift, to give a ride
     8. v. (colloquial) to hold up, to be doing, to cope
           ¿Cómo lo llevas? - How are you holding up?
     9. v. to wear
     10. v. (informal) to be in, to be fashionable

     1. n-m. bear (in general)
     2. n-m. boar, male bear
     3. n-m. (slang) bear (large hairy man, especially homosexual)
           Tengo un amigo delgado al que le gustan solo los osos barrigudos y velludos. - I have a skinny friend who only likes paunchy and hairy bears.
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of osar

     1. v. to hold, withhold, hold back, retain (breath, urine)
           Para nadar bajo el agua, uno tiene que ser capaz de aguantar la respiración. - In order to swim underwater, one has to be able to hold one's breath.
     2. v. to put up with, to tolerate or bear, to endure, to handle, to take, to stand
           Esto no se puede aguantar - This is unbearable
           Ya no aguanto más. - I can't take it anymore.
     3. v. to hang on, to grasp
     4. v. to hang on, to persevere, to last
     5. v. to not complain, to keep silent
     6. v. to hold (a posture)

     1. v. to hold, to hold up, to prop up, to sustain, to underpin (physically)
     2. v. to sustain, to support, to keep (i.e. to give continuity to)
     3. v. to support, to uphold, to hold, to sustain, to contend, to maintain, to argue, to claim, to underpin, to defend

     1. v. to resist

     1. adj. (finance) downward, falling, bearish
     2. n. (music) bassist
     3. n. (finance) bear

     1. v. to attest, to testify

     1. v. to bear, to carry
           Portaba una maleta. - He was carrying a suitcase.
           Portaba armas. - She was bearing arms.
     2. v. to behave, to be good
           Pórtate bien en la escuela. - Behave in school.

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