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The Spanish word for cast is



The gender of yeso is masculine. E.g. el yeso.


The plural of yeso is yesos.

Spanish Definition

     1. Arrojar, lanzar, tirar.
     2. Echar.
     3. Proyectar.
     4. Dirigir.
     5. Emitir.
     6. Descartar, rechazar.
     7. Vomitar.
     8. Poner, colocar.
     9. Depositar, dar.
     10. Ajustar, adaptar.
     11. Seleccionar actores o modelos para un papel.
     12. Asignar un actor a un papel.
     13. Moldear.
     14. Calcular.
     15. Voltear, girar.
     16. n. Lanzamiento.
     17. n. Ajuste, adaptación.
     18. n. Molde
     19. n. Amoldamiento.
     20. n. Rechazo
     21. n. Cálculo
     22. n. Selección de actores para una obra.
     23. n. Reparto, asignación de roles.
     24. n. Elenco.

Translations for cast and their definitions

     1. v. to throw, toss, cast, jettison (to release an object from one's grasp so that it moves through the air)
     2. v. to pour (to cause to flow in a stream from a container)
     3. v. to put in, add
     4. v. to let out
     5. v. to discharge
     6. v. to dump
     7. v. to emit, give off, send out
     8. v. to kick out, expel, throw out, to send packing (to forcibly remove)
     9. v. to expel (to remove from membership)
     10. v. to fire, dismiss (to terminate employment)
     11. v. to play (to participate in a sport)
           Echamos un partido. - We're playing a match.
     12. v. to sprout (to cause to grow from a seed)
     13. v. to take, have (a look at)
     14. v. to mail, post (to send through the mail/post)
     15. v. to give, bestow (a blessing); to put (a curse) on
     16. v. to turn (a key); to slide (a bolt)
     17. v. to start off, begin
     18. v. to throw oneself
     19. v. to lie down (to assume a reclining position)
     20. v. to put on
     21. v. to begin
     22. v. to sit on eggs
     23. v. to give in, to yield

     1. n-m. delivery (of something)
     2. n-m. allocation
     3. n-m. cast (group of actors performing together)
     4. v. first-person singular present indicative of repartir

     1. v. to mold (to shape in or on a mold)
     2. v. to mold (to form into a particular shape)
     3. v. to mold (to guide the growth of; to influence)

     1. n-m. list, directory
     2. n-m. cast (group of actors performing a play or production together)
     3. n-m. work team

     1. v. to sound (to probe the depth of water with a weighted rope or similar)
     2. v. to catheterize

     1. n-f. plaster, stucco
     2. v. informal second-person singular affirmative imperative of escayolar

     1. n-m. plaster, gesso
     2. n-m. gypsum
     3. n-m. cast, plaster cast

     1. v. to sound, to probe (test with a probe)
     2. v. to plumb, to fathom (to measure something's depth)
     3. v. to sound out (to figure out someone's intent, mood, opinion or preference usually indirectly)
     4. v. to canvass (conduct a survey)
     5. v. (figuratively) to plumb, to explore (e.g. the depths of)

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