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The Spanish word for to cut is

to cut

Spanish Definition

     1. n. Corte, incisión
     2. vt. Cortar

Translations for cut and their definitions

     1. n-m. cut (the act of cutting)
     2. n-m. cut (the result of cutting)
     3. n-m. cut (an opening resulting from cutting; an incision or wound)
     4. n-m. haircut
     5. n-m. (colloquial) embarrassment
           Me da corte hacerlo. - I'm embarrassed to do it.
     6. n-m. style or type
           Hay varios cortes de mediocampista. Necesitamos un mediocampista de corte defensivo, un jugador con un corte parecido al del ghanés Thomas Partey. - There are many types of midfielder. We need
     7. n-m. cross section
     8. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of cortar
     9. n-f. court (the hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered)

     1. v. to cross, to traverse
     2. v. to pierce

     1. n-m. engraving
     2. Participle. past participle of tallar

     1. v. to remove
     2. v. to withdraw
     3. v. to retreat, to withdraw
     4. v. to retire (qual, for a reason other than age)
           La estrella no tenía más remedio que retirarse después de una conmoción grave. - The star had no choice but to retire after a really bad concussion.

     1. v. (indtr, a, intr=1) to be lacking, lack, not have
           Te falta imaginación. - Imagination lacks to you.
     2. v. to remain
           ¿Cuánto tiempo falta? - How much time left?
           Falta un mes para mi cumpleaños. - My birthday is a month away.
     3. v. to be absent, missing
           aún falta una persona - one person is still missing
     4. v. (indtr, a) to miss (a date or an appointment)
           faltar al trabajo - to miss work

     1. Participle. past participle of circuncidar

     1. v. to sift, to strain, to filter
     2. v. (Dominican Republic, Cuba) to prepare coffee
     3. v. (colloquial) to dupe, hoodwink
     4. v. (colloquial) to missay, say wrongly
     5. v. to fall for, fall in love
     6. v. to sneak into, to crash
     7. v. to sift through, comb through
     8. v. (Christianity) to canonically confer (an ecclesiastical benefit)

     1. v. to crop, to trim (remove outer parts of)
     2. v. to reduce, to cut, to cut back on
     3. v. (football) to cut back

cortar ©
     1. v. to cut
     2. v. to cut off, cut out, cut through, cut down, cut up, to nip
     3. v. to chop, chop up, chop off
     4. v. to slice, to slit
     5. v. to mow
     6. v. to slash, to hack
     7. v. to carve, to engrave
     8. v. to hang up, to terminate a telephone call
     9. v. (Chile, informal) to stop an action
           ¡Córtala!, déjame tranquilo. (Stop it! leave me alone.)
     10. v. (Chile) to shut off
           Corta el agua, por favor. (Shut the water off please.)
     11. v. to finish a relationship
           Deberías cortar con él. (You should break up with him.)
     12. v. to haircut
     13. v. to cut, to cut off, to slit (oneself or a part of the body)

     1. v. to sculpt
     2. v. to measure
     3. v. to carve
     4. v. to whittle

     1. adj. (said of a writing style) choppy, disconnected
     2. adj. chopped
     3. adj. adjusted, proportioned
     4. adj. thickened, coagulated
     5. adj. shy
     6. adj. (heraldry) divided into two equal parts horizontally, per fess
     7. n-m. a coffee or espresso with a small amount of warm milk added
     8. Participle. past participle of cortar

     1. v. to have influence or affect on, to have bearing on
           Eso incidirá en el presupuesto. (That will affect the budget.)
     2. v. to enter into, to incur
     3. v. to err
     4. v. to make an incision
     5. v. to stress; topoint out

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