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The Spanish word for floor is



The gender of suelo is masculine. E.g. el suelo.


The plural of suelo is suelos.

Spanish Definition

     1. n. Suelo
     2. n. Piso, planta
     3. n. Nivel mínimo
     4. n. Fondo
     5. n. Zona reservada a los titulares de escaños en un parlamento
     6. n. Por extensión, palabra, derecho a hablar
     7. Solar, entarimar
     8. Derribar, tumbar
     9. Anonadar

Translations for floor and their definitions

piso ©
     1. n-m. floor, ground (surface of the earth)
     2. n-m. floor, story, storey (level of a building)
     3. n-m. (Spain) flat, apartment
     4. n-m. deck (level on a ship or vehicle)
     5. n-m. (in compounds, in the plural) decker (bus, bed)
           autobús de dos pisos - double-decker bus
     6. n-m. level, layer of a structure e.g. a cake
     7. n-m. tier (layer of a cake)
           torta de tres pisos - three-tier cake
     8. n-m. (Chile) footstool
     9. n-m. (Chile) rug, carpet
     10. n-m. (Spain) sole
     11. n-m. step (action and effect of stepping on something)
     12. v. first-person singular present indicative of pisar

     1. n-m. soil, earth
     2. n-m. ground, floor
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of soleres: “I usually”.
           Suelo venir a las cinco. - I usually come at five o’clock.

planta ©
     1. n-f. plant (organism of the kingdom Plantae)
     2. n-f. plant (factory)
     3. n-f. floor, level (of a high building)
           Vivo en la primera planta - I live on the first floor.
     4. n-f. sole (bottom of a shoe or boot)
     5. n-f. (anatomy) sole
     6. v. third-person singular present indicative of plantar

     1. n-m. level, tier, height (distance relative to a given reference elevation)
     2. n-m. level, standard (degree or amount)
     3. n-m. level (tool for finding whether a surface is level)

palabra ©
     1. n-f. word
           las palabras de amor - the words of love
     2. n-f. wording
     3. n-f. word (promise)
           te doy mi palabra - I give you my word

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