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The Spanish word for to look is

to look

Spanish Definition

     1. Mirar.
     2. Echar un vistazo.
     3. Parecer, tener un aspecto, verse.
     4. n. Mirada.
     5. n. Aspecto.

Translations for look and their definitions

     1. v. to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes)
     2. v. to watch (to look at, view, or observe for a period of time)
           Estábamos mirando la televisión. - We were watching TV.
     3. v. to watch (to mind, attend, or guard)
     4. v. to consider, think over (to think about seriously)
     5. v. (used for emphasis); look
           ¡Mira qué linda! - How pretty!
           ¡Mirad! Este es el hombre quien hurta entre vosotros, a él se le debe atribuir esto. - Behold! This is the man who is stealing amongst you all, to him this must be attributed.
           ¡Mirad! Allí está el que os engaño, ¡agarradlo todos vosotros! - Look! There is the one who deceived you all, all of you, get him!
     6. v. to seek, look for (to try to find)
     7. v. to look (to try to see something, to pay attention with one’s eyes)
     8. v. to face, overlook (to be oriented towards a certain direction or thing)
     9. v. to look at oneself

     1. n-m. look, glance

     1. n-f. glance (brief look)
     2. Participle. feminine singular of ojeado

     1. n-f. look, glance
     2. Participle. feminine singular of mirado

esperar ©
     1. v. to hope for, hope to (qual, often with a verb in the subjunctive)
           Espera que no sea necesario. - He hopes it won't be necessary.
           (coi, esperar con interés, to look forward to, to eagerly await)
     2. v. to expect, look for (qual, often with a verb in the indicative)
           Espera que no sea fácil. - He expects it isn't easy.
     3. v. to wait to, wait for, await
           Por favor espera aquí. - Please wait here.
     4. v. to wait, to hold on (reflexive for emphatic use)
     5. v. to hope
     6. v. to expect (qual, a baby)
     7. v. to be expected, to expect (impersonal use)
     8. v. to spare

     1. n-m. aspect
     2. n-m. appearance, look

     1. v. (impersonal) to seem, to see fit
           Me parece que... - It seems to me that...
           como mejor le parezca - as you see fit; as one sees fit
     2. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to believe
     3. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to think
           ¿Qué te parece si vamos al bar? - What do you think about going to a bar?
     4. v. to strike (seem, appear, make an impression)
           Te voy a mandar una cosa que escribí el otro día, para ver que te parece. - I am going to send you something that I wrote the other day, in order to see how it strikes you.
           ¿Te parece que cambiemos el día para el martes? - How about we change the day to Tuesday?
     5. v. to be like, to take after, to resemble
     6. v. to perceive
     7. n-m. opinion

dar ©
     1. v. to give, to give out
     2. v. to hand over
     3. v. to hit
           Me han dado en la cabeza. - They hit me on my head.
     4. v. to emit
     5. v. to produce
     6. v. to perform
     7. v. to consider
           Doy eso por menos que yo. - I consider that beneath me.
           Yo lo doy por muerto. - I consider him dead.
     8. v. (indtr, con) to encounter; to find with effort
           Dimos con María. - We encountered Maria.
           Dimos con el edificio después de tres horas. - We finally found the building after three hours.
     9. v. to hit upon
     10. v. (indtr, a, .colloquial, intr=1) to press, activate
           darle al botón - to press the button
     11. v. to ruin; mess up
           Me dio la noche - It ruined the night for me
     12. v. to occur
     13. v. to grow naturally
           El maíz se da en esta tierra. - Corn grows on this land.
     14. v. to hit
           El coche se dio con/contra un árbol. - The car hit a tree.
     15. v. to assume
           darse por vencido - to assume to be defeated
           darse por muerto - to assume to be dead
     16. v. to pretend to be, to present oneself as though one were
           Se las da de enfermero pero nunca ha estudiado. - He pretends to be a nurse, but he's never studied.
     17. v. to surrender
           ¿Te das? — Me doy. - Do you surrender? — I surrender.
     18. v. to fuck (used with third person direct objects only)
           Vos solo te la das. - You just fuck her.
           Me quiero dar a José. - I want to fuck José.
     19. v. to find someone sexually attractive (mostly to have a sexual encounter with)
           Le re doy.
     20. v. to announce, predict
           Dan lluvia. - They announced rain.

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