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The Spanish word for to point is

to point

Spanish Definition

     1. n. Punta, cabo
     2. n. Punto
     3. n. Momento
     4. n. Cuestión, asunto
     5. n. Sentido
     6. n. Cualidad
     7. n. Toma
     8. vt. Apuntar

Translations for point and their definitions

     1. n-m. point (a specific spot, location, or place)
     2. n-m. point (a unit of scoring)
           Tienes cinco puntos. - You have five points.
           Ese artículo cuesta tres puntos. - That item costs three points.
     3. n-m. (grammar) point (a full stop or period)
     4. n-m. (math) point (a decimal mark)
     5. n-m. (sewing) stitch (a single pass of a needle in sewing or surgery suture)
     6. n-m. bombshell (a great surprise or shock)
     7. n-m. (historical) punto, Spanish point (a traditional small unit of length, equivalent to about 0.16 mm)
     8. interj. that's it!
     9. v. first-person singular present indicative of puntar
Image illustrating the Spanish word punto

     1. n-f. tip, point, end
           la punta del iceberg - the tip of the iceberg
     2. n-f. pinch, bit (small amount)
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of puntar

     1. v. to indicate, to bespeak
     2. v. (medicine) to prescribe

     1. v. to point, to aim, to take aim (a weapon)
           Por favor deja de apuntarme con esa arma. - Please stop pointing that gun at me.
           Apunta al blanco. - Aim at the target.
     2. v. to point out, to suggest, to hint
           Apunta a un patrón anterior de desperdiciar recursos. - It points to a past pattern of wasting resources.
     3. v. to underline, to mark (text)
     4. v. to note down, to write down
     5. v. to outline, to sketch
     6. v. to baste (to sew with long or loose stitches)
     7. v. to tack, to fasten temporarily
     8. v. to patch, to darn, to sew, to mend
     9. v. to sharpen (a weapon or tool)
     10. v. to prompt, to cue, to whisper the answer
     11. v. to bet, to put up money, to stake (only in certain card games)
     12. v. to sign up
     13. v. to be in, be down, be game
           ¿Te apuntas? - Are you in?
     14. v. to chalk up, to notch (a win, a victory, points, success)

     1. n-m. (time) moment, instant
           Un momento, señor. (One moment, sir.)
     2. n-m. timing
           Fue un mal momento, así de simple. - It was bad timing, plain and simple.
           ¡Buen momento! Tengo el día libre. - Good timing! I have the day off.
     3. n-m. (physics) momentum

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