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The Spanish word for short is


Spanish Definition

     1. adv. Repentinamente, súbitamente.
     2. adv. Brevemente.
     3. adv. Cerca.
     4. n. Algo que es corto.
     5. n. Algo que esta escaso.
     6. n. Cortocircuito.
     7. n. Vendedor que vende mercancía o valores que no tiene.
     8. n. Parada en corto.
     9. n. Déficit.
     10. n. Una bebida pequeña.
     11. Cortocircuitar.
     12. Engañar, estafar, al entregar menos de lo acordado o de lo justo.

Translations for short and their definitions

     1. adj. short (having a small distance from one end to another)
     2. adj. short (having little duration)
     3. adj. (colloquial) dim-witted, slow
     4. adj. cut
     5. n-m. short (short film)
     6. n-m. short (short circuit)
     7. n-m. (Chile) a glass of pure liquor
     8. v. first-person singular present indicative of cortar

     1. adj. short (of little height)
     2. adj. low, ground (situated close to the ground)
     3. adj. low, bottom, poor (not high in status, amount or quality)
     4. adj. (music) bass
     5. adj. base, mean, low, despicable
     6. adv. low
     7. adv. down (location)
     8. adv. down, quietly, softly (volume)
     9. n-m. (music) bass (sound, voice or instrument)
     10. prep. under (in both literal and figurative senses)
           No hay nada nuevo bajo el sol. - There's nothing new under the sun.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of bajar

     1. n-m. (electricity) short circuit
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of cortocircuitar

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