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The Spanish word for to stand is
estar de pie

to stand

Spanish Definition

     1. vt. Soportar (verbo transitivo)
     2. vt. Tolerar (verbo transitivo)
           I can't stand him.
           No lo soporto.
     3. vi. Estar (verbo intransitivo)
           Se utiliza cuando el sustantivo al que hace referencia se encuentra en posición vertical.
           The Eiffel Tower stands in Paris.
           La Torre Eiffel está en París.
     4. vi. ponerse de pie
     5. vi. Pararse (verbo pronominal)
     6. vi. Levantarse (verbo pronominal)
     7. vi. Seguir vigente, habando de leyes, acuerdos, etc.
     8. n. Puesto (sustantivo masculino)
     9. n. Quiosco (sustantivo masculino)
     10. n. Soporte (sustantivo masculino)

Translations for stand and their definitions

     1. to rise
     2. to stand up
     3. to get up

     1. n-m. a stand for holding books, papers, etc.; music stand; bookstand
     2. n-m. lectern
     3. n-m. (Argentina, Chile) easel

     1. to stand up
     2. to stand
     3. to stop, to cease moving

estar de pie
     1. v. (idiom) to stand (to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)

     1. v. to lift
           Nadie podía levantar un coche. - Nobody could lift a car.
     2. v. to raise, put up
           Levanta la mano. - Raise your hand.
           ¿Puedes levantar una sola ceja? - Can you raise a single eyebrow?
     3. v. to put up; build up (buildings)
     4. v. to increase; turn up (volume, power etc.)
     5. v. to adjourn; close; end (a meeting)
           Se levanta la sesión. - The session is adjourned.
           El presidente levantó la reunión. - The president adjourned the meeting.
     6. v. (hunting) to flush out
     7. v. to draw up (plans)
     8. v. to take, make (a census)
     9. v. to remove; get rid of (a prohibition)
     10. v. to nick, rob (steal)
     11. v. to take down (a tent)
     12. v. to give rise to
     13. v. to set up, found (a business)
     14. v. to bring back, make successful again (a business)
     15. v. to take home, earn (money)
     16. v. (card games) to pick (a card)
     17. v. (card games) to beat (a hand)
     18. v. to get up, to get out of bed
     19. v. to ride; mount (have sex with)
     20. v. to levitate

     1. n-m. market stall, market stand
     2. n-m. professional position, employment, job
     3. adj. standing
     4. adj. on (clothes)
     5. adj. put on (cloth)
     6. conj. because, as, since
     7. Participle. past participle of poner

     1. v. to bear, to endure, to withstand, put up with, tolerate, to stomach, to weather, to handle
     2. v. to support a weight or load

     1. n-f. position
     2. n-f. (yoga) pose
     3. n-f. posture, attitude
           adoptar una postura - to take a stand, to take a position

     1. v. to put, to put up, to place, to lay
           Pon eso en su lugar. - Put that in its place.
           Pongamos el plan a la espera por ahora. - Let's put the plan on hold for now.
           Puse un anuncio en Craigslist. - I put up an ad on Craigslist.
     2. v. to set, to set up (e.g. set an alarm, set up chairs)
           Voy a poner la mesa (I'm going to set the table.)
     3. v. to put on (e.g. put on a smile, a happy face, a brave face; put on a pot of coffee, put something on display)
     4. v. to choose, to designate (for a job, charge or responsibility)
     5. v. to make (e.g. make somebody nervous, jealous, sad, emotional, uncomfortable)
           Basta. Me estás poniendo nerviosa. - Stop. You're making me nervous.
     6. v. to make, to give (in certain phrases; e.g. to make available, give an injection, to give effect)
           No pongas excusas. - Don't make excuses.
           Permítanme poner un ejemplo. - Let me give an example.
     7. v. to say, to read (statement: indicate in written form)
           El letrero pone que está prohibido fumar. - The sign says smoking is not allowed.
     8. v. to name, to give a nickname
           Le voy a poner Rodrigo. - I will name him Rodrigo.
     9. v. to bring (e.g. to bring online, to bring order to, to bring up to speed or date, to bring to light)
     10. v. to lay (e.g. to lay eggs, lay the foundation or groundwork)
     11. v. to turn, to turn on (e.g. to turn the other cheek, turn on music, to turn upside-down)
           Mi ex-esposa manipuladora puso a mis propios amigos en mi contra. - My manipulative ex-wife turned my own friends against me.
     12. v. to get (in certain phrases)
           Necesitamos ponerlos de nuestra parte. - We need to get them on our side.
           ¿No arranca su coche? En unos minutos, puedo ponerlo en marcha, sin problemas. - Your car won't start? In a few minutes, I can get it running, no problem.
     13. v. to call (in certain phrases; e.g. to call into question, call into doubt, call somebody's bluff)
     14. v. to pay (attention)
     15. v. to draw (e.g. to draw a line or set up a boundary)
     16. v. to plant, to set up (e.g. plant one's feet, plant a bomb, set up explosives, plant a bug, set up a camera, plant a weapon)
     17. v. (Mexico, slang) to contribute; to bring
           Carlos pone la casa, yo pongo los refrescos. - Carlos contributes his house, I contribute beverages.
     18. v. (electronics) to play
           Ya se puso la canción en el radio dos veces. - The song already played on the radio twice.
           Si Pedro pone la música demasiado fuerte, se va a quedar sordo. - If Pedro plays music too loud, he will end up deaf.
     19. v. (Spain, colloquial, transitive) to turn on, make horny
           Me pones mucho. - You really turn me on.
     20. v. to put on, to don, to change into (clothing, shoes, accoutrements)
           Me puse las gafas. (I put on my glasses.)
     21. v. to get
           ¡Ponte pillo! / ¡Ponte listo! - Get clever!
           ¡Ponte de rodillas! - Get on your knees!
           No me gusta ponerme en frente de la cámara. - I don't like getting in front of the camera.
     22. v. (of a heavenly body) to set (i.e., to sink beneath the horizon)
           ¿A qué hora se pone el sol? - What time does the sun set?
     23. v. to become, to get ("become" is used in reference to entering into a physical or emotional state) (gloss, e.g. become anxious, fashionable, naughty, nervous, offensive, pale, sad, serious, stern, tense
           Se pone agresiva cuando alguien la toca. - She gets aggressive when anyone touches her.
           Se puso muy enfermo después de comerse la comida descompuesta. - He got very sick after eating the rotten food.
           El jamón se puso seco. - The ham turned dry.
           Ponte guapa para la fiesta. - Smarten up for the party.
     24. v. to start doing something, to begin, to get down to (+ a + infinitive)
           Se sentaron a la mesa y se pusieron a hablar en voz alta. - They sat down at the table and started talking loudly.
           Por lo tanto, es hora de ponernos a trabajar. - So, it's time for us to get down to work.
           Se puso a decirnos de las cosas que había visto. - He began telling us about the things he had seen.
           Me pondré con ello inmediatamente. - I'll get on it right away.
     25. v. to put oneself
           No te pongas en peligro. - Do not put yourself in harm's way.

     1. v. to tolerate
     2. v. to endure
     3. v. to condone

     1. n-f. stay, residence, sojourn
     2. n-f. large farmstead
     3. n-f. room
     4. n-f. stanza

     1. n-f. position

pasar ©
     1. v. to pass, to hand, to slip
     2. v. to happen
           ¿qué pasa? - what's up?
           estas cosas pasan - these things happen
           Ya me ha pasado. - It has already happened to me.
     3. v. to pass, to get past, to go past, to go by, to go over, to get through
           ¿Cómo pasaste la seguridad? - How did you get past security?
           ¡No pasarán! - They shall not pass!
     4. v. to spend time
           pasarlo bien - to have a good time
           pásalo en grande - have a great time
     5. v. to enter a room
     6. v. to go too far, exaggerate
     7. v. to exceed, surpass, go over
     8. v. to ripen too much, become rotten, become off (food)
     9. v. to pass (filter)
     10. v. to strain, to sieve, to sift
     11. v. to break the law, rule, order
     12. v. to trespass (enter on someone's property without permission)
     13. v. to puree (crush or grind food into a puree)
     14. v. to omit, leave out
           ¡pasa de ellos! - pay no attention to them!
     15. v. to send, transmit
     16. v. to stand, tolerate, bear
     17. v. to go through, to pass through, to swing by (+ por)
     18. v. (with a + infinitive) to begin a process or action; (gloss, with ser) to become, to come to be
     19. v. (Latin America) to pass an exam
     20. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to stop by, to swing by
     21. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to spend (time)

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