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The Spanish word for track is



The gender of pista is feminine. E.g. la pista.


The plural of pista is pistas.

Spanish Definition

     1. n. Pista.
     2. n. Huella.
     3. n. Camino, sendero, vía.
     4. n. Actividad de atletismo en pista de carreras.
     5. Seguir la pista o las huellas de algo.
     6. Seguir un camino, o una pista de carreras.
     7. Dejar huellas.
     8. Observar la trayectoria o evolución de algo.

Translations for track and their definitions

     1. n-m. sign, trace, vestige, scent
     2. n-m. trail, spoor (qual, i.e., marked indication to track and follow)
           un rastro de sangre - a trail of blood
     3. n-m. flea market, public market (especially El Rastro in Madrid)
     4. n-m. offshoot, layer
     5. n-m. rake
     6. n-m. slaughterhouse

pista ©
     1. n-f. track, course, trail
     2. n-f. (aviation) runway
     3. n-f. (bowling) lane
     4. n-f. (sports) court (field on which tennis, basketball, handball, badminton, etc is played)
           pista de baloncesto - basketball court
     5. n-f. clue, fingerprint

     1. n-f. footprint (impression of the foot in a soft substance)
     2. n-f. fingerprint (unique natural pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers; marks left by these)
           huella dactilar - fingerprint
     3. n-f. (computing, figurative) fingerprint (unique identification)
           huella digital - digital fingerprint
     4. n-f. mark, imprint (visible impression or sign left on something)
     5. v. third-person singular present indicative of hollar

     1. n-f. way, means
           Era su única vía de escape. - It was their only way of escape.
     2. n-f. (figuratively) avenue, way, path
           Quiero considerar cada posible vía antes de tomar una decisión. - I want to consider every possible avenue before making a decision.
     3. n-f. road
     4. n-f. track, railroad track
           Mi hijo cruzó las vías por el paso para peatones, pero por la poca iluminación y el ruido que había no vio el tren. - My son crossed the tracks at the foot crossing, but because there was littl
     5. n-f. method
     6. n-f. leak
     7. n-f. (anatomy) pathway
     8. prep. via

     1. v. to follow
           ¡Sígueme! - Follow me!
           Ahora siguen los postres - Now follow the desserts.
     2. v. to continue (on); to keep, to keep on (can be combined with the gerund to indicate that someone or something continues doing something)
           Este tío sigue hablando sin parar. - This guy keeps talking nonstop.
           ¿Y todavía sigues sin hablarle? - And you still don't talk to him?
           ¿Sigues ahí? - Are you still there?
     3. v. to further do something
           El artículo destaca que es necesario seguir mejorando los derechos de los hombres. - The article stresses that men's rights need to be further improved.
     4. v. to observe, to obey (a rule, religion)
     5. v. (internet, transitive) to follow (to subscribe to content from an account)
     6. v. to remain, to stay, to still be
     7. v. to ensue
     8. v. to follow, to pursue, to track, to trace, to tail, to chase
     9. v. to proceed
     10. v. to continue, to keep up
     11. v. to follow up
     12. v. to follow in, to continue
     13. v. to stick to
     14. v. to follow, to be followed
           Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se sigue que el diálogo entre ciencia y ética es de suma importancia. - Given the above, it follows that dialogue between science and ethics is of the greatest i

     1. n-m. furrow (agriculture)
     2. n-m. deep wrinkle, furrow
     3. n-m. stria
     4. n-m. rut, groove, line, track
     5. n-m. dent
     6. n-m. groove (of a music disc)
     7. n-m. sulcus
     8. v. first-person singular present indicative of surcar

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