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The Swedish word for file is


a fileen fil
the filefilen
the filesfilarna

Translations for file and their definitions

     1. n-n. an archive
     2. n-n. (computing) file menu

fil ©
     1. n-c. a file (a tool)
     2. n-c. a row of objects; most commonly used about moving objects
     3. n-c. a section of roadway for a single line of vehicles, a lane
     4. n-c. (computing) file
     5. n-c. any product from a family of various (deliberately) soured milk products
     6. n-c. abbreviation for filmjölk; a particular kind of fil as above

     1. n-c. line (path through two or more points)
     2. n-c. line; a bus line
     3. n-c. line; a telephone or network connection
     4. n-c. line; a threadlike crease marking the face or the hand
     5. n-c. line; historically a measure of length; (frac, 1, 12) of an inch or frac, 1, 10 of a decimal inch (decimaltum)
     6. n-c. (officially until 1994 and colloquially since) an education at gymnasium level; hence called program
     7. n-c. (chess) file

     1. v. to archive

     1. v. to file (smooth, grind, or cut with a file)
     2. v. (figuratively, with ) to work on or polish (something)
           fila på ett manifest - work on a manifesto

     1. n-c. a queue (line of waiting people or other objects)
           stå i kö - be in a queue, stand in line
           ställa sig i kö - join a queue ("stand oneself in queue")
     2. n-c. a queue (waiting list)
     3. n-c. a cue (straight rod)
           biljardkö - pool cue

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