Chinese Word of the Day
三十七sān shí qī
Chinese > English | |
三十七 | sānshíqī |
1. num. thirty-seven; 37 | |
Components | |
三十 | sānshí |
1. num. thirty; 30 | |
我 昨天 收到 了 三十 多 條 垃圾 短信。 - I received over 30 spam text messages yesterday. | |
十七 | shíqī |
1. num. seventeen; 17 | |
三 | sān |
1. three | |
2. (Mainland, slang) the other woman; the other man | |
3. repeatedly; thrice | |
三思 - to think carefully | |
十 | shí |
1. ten | |
2. (figurative) topmost; utmost | |
十分 - very | |
十全十美 - perfect | |
七 | qī |
1. seven | |
2. (printing) agate: The size of type between 8, standardized as 5½ point. | |
3. Variant of ? | |
? | |

sān shí qī
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