Flash Card Presenter Menus

  1. Opens another flash card set for learning.
  2. Opens the current set into the Flash Card Creator for editing.
  3. "Download to your phone": Use this option to load your flash card set onto your cell phone This works by converting your set into a web page that you can set through from your phone's internet browser. If your phone allows it it's a good idea to save the page onto your phone's memory so you don't have to connect to the internet every time.
    You may have problems with your WAP provider not allowing large pages through, or your phone can't display them. So be aware you may need to limit the number of cards you have in your set.
    To use this option first connect your computer to the internet, select the menu option and wait for the set to be uploaded to the website. A dialog box will then display telling you the address you can enter into your phone to access the set. You'll have three choices of files to load into your browser: a JavaScript HTML file, plain HTML file or a WML file. The JavaScript version will only work if you have allowed JavaScript to run on your mobile. This is the preferred version as you will have access to all the features that the Presenter provides (except audio). The other versions are provided if you have difficulties with this file.
    Uploading your set to your phone does support images (provided your phone can display them), however audio tracks can't be uploaded.
    The uploaded page displays one side of the card at a time along with a normal web page link to control the operation. The link labelled "Flip" will be highlighted on the A side/Question side, pressing Select/OK on your phone will take you to the B/Answer side. A "Next" link is then displayed to indicate that pressing Select/OK will take you to the next card.
  4. "Create Google gadget": Creates a browser based gadget that will be uploaded to your own private online library and which you can add to your iGoogle home page if you have one. You can then learn your flash cards from anywhere you have access to the internet rather than requiring the L.A. Flash Cards Presenter software. Click here for more info.
  5. "Create audio file": If you have included audio into your flash card set, you can create a WAV or MP3 file based on this audio. This would be most useful when you have audio for each side of the card, you can then use your iPod or portable MP3 player to learn your card set anywhere.
  6. Displays a list of recent sets that you have been using
  7. Exits the Presenter
  1. If you have the "type answer" option set (of the testing mode), cut the selected text into the clipboard.
  2. Copy the selected text into the clipboard
  3. If you have the "type answer" option set (of the testing mode), paste the clipboard contents.
  4. Open the letter tool which allows you to enter accented and other European letters in test mode. To enter these characters you can also use the Microsoft International Keyboard or try the Start menu => All Programs => Accessories => System Tools => Character Map.
  1. The default mode which is to present the cards in the order they were created in
  2. Presents the cards in the set in the reverse order they were created in
  3. Presents the cards in a random order. See the note for 5 below.
  4. Swaps the sides of the card around so that the B side, or answer side, is initially presented, and then the A side is shown. Useful for language learning to practice translating backwards and forwards.
  5. Randomly swap cards. You may notice when using flash cards your mind will become a little lazy and remember something only because it follows on from another card. This is like being able to remember a sequence of notes in a tune only when you have heard the earlier notes. The usefulness of the random swapping and shuffling the order of cards lies in breaking up this pattern learning and enabling you to focus and pay attention to the card itself, rather than its context.
  6. If your set is too large to easily learn, you can break it up into groups until you know it well enough.
  7. Select this option if you want to review the cards you have previously marked as "Don't Ask Again".
  8. Setting this option will automatically run through the cards without having to press any buttons. You will be given an option to set the delay between cards.
  1. Simple Test mode will test you on each card in turn. You can either just press a button to indicate that you knew it or not, or type the answer in by setting the option below. A bar graph at the bottom will keep track of your progress.
  2. The Leitner System (see wiki/Flashcard allows you to learn with more efficiency and exercises both your short and long term memory. Basically it works by recognising that you know, or don't know, the flash card and presenting that card to you less or more often respectively.
    We have given each of our 5 Leitner groups a name to indicate your knowledge level. This is shown at the bottom of the screen, they are "New Word", "Short Term", "Recognize", "Familiar" and "Know It!".
    Again, you can either just press a button to indicate that you knew it or not, or type the answer in by setting the option below.
  3. In test mode you can type your answer into the lower area and press the Enter key for the system to check your answer. Otherwise you will be presented with a Right button or a Wrong button to press.
    The program will try and determine the best side of the flash card to present to you as the "question", i.e. the sides with the shortest text. If this is not correct you may need to "Swap" in the Ask menu. To enter accented characters such as é you can use the Letter Tool or the standard Windows International keyboard method.
  1. Shows both sides of the card on the screen, first the A or Question side at the top, then the B or Answer side on the bottom.
  2. Shows only one side of a card at a time.
  1. Turns on or off the automatic playing of audio.