Lexis Rex ホーム





英語 > 日本語
     1. 名詞. 腕。
     2. 名詞. 腕状のもの、腕木、前脚、肘掛、袖、眼鏡のつる、大枝。
     3. 名詞. 部門。
     4. 名詞. 力、掌握下。
     5. 名詞. 河口、入り江。
     6. 名詞. 兵器、武器、軍備、戦闘、軍人。
     7. 名詞. 紋章。
     8. 名詞. 治療群。
     9. 動詞. 武器を取る、武装させる。
     10. 動詞. 作動させる、安全装置をはずす。
英語 > 英語
     1. n. The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.
           She stood with her right arm extended and her palm forward to indicate “Stop!”
     2. n. (anatomy) The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.
           The arm and forearm are parts of the upper limb in the human body.
     3. n. A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
           the arms of an octopus
     4. n. A long, narrow, more or less rigid part of an object extending from the main part or centre of the object, such as the arm of an armchair, a crane, a pair of spectacles or a pair of compasses.
           The robot arm reached out and placed the part on the assembly line.
     5. n. (geography) A bay or inlet off a main body of water.
           Shelburne Bay is an arm of Lake Champlain.
     6. n. A branch of an organization.
           the cavalry arm of the military service
     7. n. (figurative) Power; might; strength; support.
           the arm of the law
           the secular arm
     8. n. (baseball, slang) A pitcher
           The team needs to sign another arm in the offseason.
     9. n. (genetics) One of the two parts of a chromosome.
     10. n. A group of patients in a medical trial.
     11. adj. (UK dialectal, chiefly Scotland) Poor; lacking in riches or wealth.
           He's neither poor nor arm.
     12. adj. (UK dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To be pitied; pitiful; wretched.
     13. n. (usually used in the plural) A weapon.
     14. n. (in the plural) heraldic bearings or insignia
           The Duke's arms were a sable gryphon rampant on an argent field.
     15. v. To supply with armour or (later especially) weapons.
     16. v. To prepare a tool or a weapon for action; to activate.
           Remember to arm an alarm system.
     17. v. To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency.
           to arm the hit of a sword; to arm a hook in angling
     18. v. (figurative) To furnish with means of defence; to prepare for resistance; to fortify, in a moral sense.
     19. v. To fit (a magnet) with an armature.
日本語 > 英語
     1. n. (anatomy) arm
     2. n. ability; skill; talent
     3. n. arm



I can't lift my right arm.
She took him by the arm.
I can't raise my right arm.
He fell down on the ice and broke his arm.
I'm afraid I have a crack in my right arm.


