Lexis Rex ホーム





英語 > 日本語
     1. 名詞. バッグ、袋
英語 > 英語
     1. n. A flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc.
     2. n. (informal) A handbag
     3. n. A suitcase.
     4. n. A schoolbag, especially a backpack.
     5. n. One’s preference.
           Acid House is not my bag: I prefer the more traditional styles of music.
     6. n. (derogatory) An ugly woman.
     7. n. (baseball) The cloth-covered pillow used for first, second, and third base.
           The grounder hit the bag and bounced over the fielder’s head.
     8. n. (baseball) First, second, or third base.
           He headed back to the bag.
     9. n. (preceded by "the") A breathalyzer, so named because it formerly had a plastic bag over the end to measure a set amount of breath.
     10. n. (mathematics) A collection of objects, disregarding order, but (unlike a set) in which elements may be repeated.
           If one has a bag of three apples and the letter 'a' is taken to denote 'apple', then such bag could be represented symbolically as a,a,a. Note that in an ordinary context, when talking about a
     11. n. A sac in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance.
           the bag of poison in the mouth of some serpents
           the bag of a cow
     12. n. A sort of silken purse formerly tied about men's hair behind, by way of ornament.
     13. n. The quantity of game bagged in a hunt.
     14. n. (slang) A scrotum.
     15. n. (UK) A unit of measure of cement equal to 94 pounds.
     16. v. To put into a bag.
     17. v. (informal) To catch or kill, especially when fishing or hunting.
           We bagged three deer yesterday.
     18. v. To gain possession of something, or to make first claim on something.
     19. v. To furnish or load with a bag.
     20. v. (slang) To bring a woman one met on the street with one.
     21. v. (slang) To laugh uncontrollably.
     22. v. (Australia, slang) To criticise sarcastically.
     23. v. (medicine) To provide artificial ventilation with a bag valve mask (BVM) resuscitator.
     24. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To swell or hang down like a full bag.
           The skin bags from containing morbid matter.
           The brisk wind bagged the sails.
     25. v. To hang like an empty bag.
           His trousers bag at the knees.
     26. v. (nautical, intransitive) To drop away from the correct course.
     27. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To swell with arrogance.
     28. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To become pregnant.
日本語 > 英語
     1. n. (from 1877) bag, satchel, briefcase, handbag (often made of leather or canvas)
           (synonyms, ja, 胴乱, tr1=dōran, q1=archaic)




Can you please watch my bag?
Don't put children into the bag.
I put the bag on or beside the chair.
She put the key in her bag.
Do you only have this bag with you?


