Lexis Rex ホーム





英語 > 日本語
     1. 名詞. (虚勢されていない)雄牛。
     2. 名詞. 大型哺乳類(鯨、象、アザラシなど)の雄。
     3. 名詞. 体格のよい男性。
     4. 名詞. (finance) 相場の上昇にのって、強気に行動する人。
     5. 名詞. (俗語) 警官。
     6. 名詞. (俗語, フィラデルフィア) 男性。
     7. 形容詞. 雄牛のように力強い。
     8. 形容詞. 大型哺乳類の雄の。
           a bull elephant
     9. 形容詞. (finance) 相場の上昇にのった、強気の。
     10. 動詞. (自動詞) 突き進む。
           He bulled his way in.
     11. 動詞. (自動詞) 嘘をつく。
     12. 動詞. (自動詞) 発情する、さかる。
     13. 動詞. (英, 軍事) 軍靴を磨き上げる。
     14. 動詞. (finance, 他動詞) 相場の上昇に乗って強気に振舞う。
           to bull railroad bonds
     15. 動詞. (finance, 他動詞) 相場を上昇させようとする。
           to bull the market
     16. 名詞. (歴史 神聖ローマ皇帝などの)勅書(papal bull)。
     17. 名詞. (ローマ教皇の)大勅書, 教書。
     18. 動詞. (古用法, 17世紀) 勅書を発する。
     19. 名詞. 嘘。
     20. 名詞. (婉曲, 俗語) でたらめ。
     21. 動詞. (自動詞) 嘘をつく、。
     22. 名詞. (16世紀, 廃語 但し) 泡。
英語 > 英語
     1. n. An adult male of domesticated cattle or oxen.
     2. n.          Specifically, one that is uncastrated.
     3. n. A male of domesticated cattle or oxen of any age.
     4. n. An adult male of certain large mammals, such as whales, elephants and seals.
     5. n. A large, strong man.
     6. n. (finance) An investor who buys (commodities or securities) in anticipation of a rise in prices.
     7. n. (slang) A policeman.
     8. n.          (US) Specifically, a policeman employed in a railroad yard.
     9. n. (historical) A crown coin; its value, 5 shillings.
     10. n. (UK) (clipping of bullseye)
     11. n.          (military, firearms) The central portion of a target, inside the inner and magpie.
     12. n. (Philadelphia, slang) A man.
     13. n. (vulgar, slang) (clipping of bullshit).
     14. n. A man who has sex with another man's wife or girlfriend with the consent of both.
     15. n. (obsolete) A drink made by pouring water into a cask that previously held liquor.
     16. adj. Large and strong, like a bull.
     17. adj. (of large mammals) adult male
           a bull elephant
     18. adj. (finance) Of a market in which prices are rising (compare bear)
     19. adj. stupid
     20. v. (intransitive) To force oneself (in a particular direction).
           He bulled his way in.
     21. v. (intransitive) To lie, to tell untruths.
     22. v. (intransitive) To be in heat; to manifest sexual desire as cows do.
     23. v. (military) To polish boots to a high shine.
     24. v. (finance, transitive) To endeavour to raise the market price of.
           to bull railroad bonds
     25. v. (finance, transitive) To endeavour to raise prices in.
           to bull the market
     26. n. A papal bull, an official document or edict from the Pope.
     27. n. A seal affixed to a document, especially a document from the Pope.
     28. v. (dated, 17th century) to publish in a Papal bull
     29. n. A lie.
     30. n. (euphemistic, informal) Nonsense.
     31. v. to mock, cheat
     32. n. (16th century, obsolete) a bubble
日本語 > 英語
     1. bull


This is bull shit, don't you see that?
Waiting for that hairy bull to catch you and give you the beating of your life.
I'm not bull shitting you.
I'm prepared for all the bull in a china shop comparisons, but a woman was injured and for the other customers it was a frightening ordeal.
Bull rushes lined the banks and an undistinguished company of ducks accompanied the slowly passing narrow boats.


