Lexis Rex ホーム





英語 > 日本語
     1. 名詞. ねずみ
     2. 名詞. (コンピュータの)マウス。
     3. 名詞. 内気な人。
英語 > 英語
     1. n. Any small rodent of the genus Mus.
     2. n. (informal) A member of the many small rodent and marsupial species resembling such a rodent.
     3. n. A quiet or shy person.
     4. n. (computing) (plural mice or, rarely, mouses) An input device that is moved over a pad or other flat surface to produce a corresponding movement of a pointer on a graphical display.
     5. n. (boxing) Hematoma.
     6. n. (nautical) A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting the point and shank of a hook to prevent its unhooking or straightening out.
     7. n. (obsolete) A familiar term of endearment.
     8. n. A match used in firing guns or blasting.
     9. n. (set theory) A small model of (a fragment of) Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with desirable properties (depending on the context).
     10. n. (historical) A small cushion for a woman's hair.
     11. v. (intransitive) To move cautiously or furtively, in the manner of a mouse (the rodent) (frequently used in the phrasal verb to mouse around).
     12. v. (intransitive) To hunt or catch mice (the rodents), usually of cats.
     13. v. (transitive, nautical) To close the mouth of a hook by a careful binding of marline or wire.
           Captain Higgins moused the hook with a bit of marline to prevent the block beckets from falling out under slack.
     14. v. (intransitive, computing) To navigate by means of a computer mouse.
     15. v. (obsolete, nonce, transitive) To tear, as a cat devours a mouse.
日本語 > 英語
     1. n. a mouse or a rat
     2. n. general term for members of superfamily Muroidea, including mice, rats, voles, hamsters, gerbils, and other similar rodents
     3. n. short for 鼠色: the colour grey, sometimes more specifically a dark grey colour
     4. n. Usage: Japanese does not generally distinguish between mice and rats, and both are commonly called nezumi. If a distinction is needed, speakers may use the adjectives 大きい or 小さい
     5. n. Usage: As with many terms that name organisms, this term is often spelled in katakana, especially in biological contexts, as ネズミ
     6. n. Usage: Note that, although the Japanese term 子年 (, , nezumidoshi, , , nedoshi) for The Year of the Rat in the Chinese zodiac does derive from this same nezumi term, it is not written with this
     7. n. a mouse, a rat



We can't go on playing cat and mouse.


