Lexis Rex ホーム





英語 > 日本語
     1. 名詞. スプーン。さじ
     2. 名詞. スプーン一杯分。
     3. 名詞. (golf, 古語・廃語)3番ウッド。
     4. 名詞. (fishing)スプーン。
     5. 名詞. (figuratively, 俗語, 古語・廃語)おろもの
     6. 動詞. スプーンですくう。
     7. 動詞. (他動詞, or, 自動詞, 俗語)(人が)いちゃつく。
     8. 動詞. (tennis, golf, croquet)(ボールを)掬うようにうつ。
     9. 動詞. (自動詞)(魚を)スプーンでつる。
     10. 動詞. spoomの異綴。
英語 > 英語
     1. n. An implement for eating or serving; a scooped utensil whose long handle is straight, in contrast to a ladle.
     2. n. An implement for stirring food while being prepared; a wooden spoon.
     3. n. A measure that will fit into a spoon; a spoonful.
     4. n. (sports) A wooden-headed golf club with moderate loft, similar to the modern three wood.
     5. n. (fishing) A type of metal lure resembling the concave head of a table spoon.
     6. n. (dentistry, informal) A spoon excavator.
     7. n. (figuratively, slang) A simpleton, a spooney.
     8. n. (US, military) A safety handle on a hand grenade, a trigger.
     9. v. To serve using a spoon.
           Sarah spooned some apple sauce onto her plate.
     10. v. (intransitive, dated) To flirt; to make advances; to court, to interact romantically or amorously.
     11. v. (transitive, or intransitive, informal, of persons) To lie nestled front-to-back, following the contours of the bodies, in a manner reminiscent of stacked spoons.
     12. v. (tennis, golf, croquet) To hit (the ball) weakly, pushing it with a lifting motion, instead of striking with an audible knock.
     13. v. (intransitive) To fish with a concave spoon bait.
     14. v. To catch by fishing with a concave spoon bait.
     15. v. alternative form of spoom
日本語 > 英語
     1. suffix. spoon, scoop
     2. suffix. Usage: Only found in compounds.
     3. suffix. spoon, scoop
     4. suffix. Usage: Only found in compounds.
     5. affix. spoon, scoop
     6. affix. Usage: Only found in compounds.
     7. n. (obsolete) a scoop for food
           This sense developed from an ateji spelling of 木刀 (literally, “wooden blade”) applied to the food scoop meaning.
     8. n. spoon, scoop used for food
           私たちは匙でスープを飲む。 - We eat soup with a spoon.
     9. n. more specifically, a spoon or scoop used for compounding medicine
     10. n. by extension, medicine
     11. n. by further extension, a doctor
     12. n. Usage: In modern Japanese, the term
     13. n. Usage: The saji reading is the most common in modern Japanese when using this term as a standalone noun. The kanji spelling (匙) is rarely encountered; it is usually written in hiragana alone ((
     14. n. spoon
     15. n. Usage: This reading does not appear to be as common as the saji reading above. May be dialectal.
     16. n. (rare) a scoop
     17. n. Usage: Although the general term



You want me to spoon feed you?
After making fun of her gangly boyfriend, the couple saunter off to a greasy spoon to spend their savings.
The spoon noisily chipped and clattered on the sides of the bowl, indicating a great hunger and emptiness.


