Lexis Rex ホーム




     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)
     2. part. final interrogative particle, similar to a question mark ("?").
           お元気ですか。 - literally Are you well?
           どう すれば い.い か わからない。 - I don't know what I should do.
     3. part. particle marking alternatives in a list; "or".
           これか、それか、どっちか選んでよ。 - This or that, choose one of them.
     4. part. whether (or not)
           行くか知らない。 - I don't know whether he'll go.
     5. part. indication of doubt
           行くかと思いますが…… - I think he'll go (but I'm not sure)....
     6. part. Usage: * In Classical Japanese, attaches to the rentaikei:
      Usage: *     誰が天地を造りしか。 - Who made the heaven and the earth?
     7. part. Usage: * The Japanese full stop is traditionally used in place of a question mark after this particle.
     8. prefix. (emphatic before an adjective, non-productive) very
           (prefixusex, ja, 弱い, か弱い, tr1=yowai, tr2=kayowai, t1=, t2=)
           (prefixusex, ja, 細い, か細い, tr1=hosoi, tr2=kabosoi, t1=, t2=)
     9. suffix. forms 形容動詞 from stems, indicating the state or feeling of an object
     10. suffix. Usage: * May attach directly to a root.
     11. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 静, tr1=shizu-, か, tr2=-ka, 静か, tr3=shizuka, t3=quiet)
     12. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 愚, tr1=oro-, か, tr2=-ka, 愚か, tr3=oroka, t3=foolish)
     13. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 細, tr1=koma-, か, tr2=-ka, 細か, tr3=komaka, t3=tiny; detailed)
     14. suffix. Usage: * May be followed in turn by -i adjective-forming suffix
     15. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 愚, tr1=oro-, か, tr2=-ka, しい, tr3=-shii, 愚かしい, tr4=orokashii, t4=foolish)
     16. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 細, tr1=koma-, か, tr2=-ka, しい, tr3=-shii, 細かしい, tr4=komakashii, t4=tiny, pos4=archaic)
     17. suffix. Usage: * More rarely, may be followed by -i adjective-forming suffix
     18. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 細, tr1=koma-, か, tr2=-ka, い, tr3=-i, 細かい, tr4=komakai, t4=tiny; detailed)
     19. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 暖, tr1=atata-, か, tr2=-ka, い, tr3=-i, 暖かい, tr4=atatakai, t4=warm)
     20. suffix. Usage: * Often follows -na adjective-forming suffixes
     21. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 爽, tr1=sawa-, や, tr2=-ya, か, tr3=-ka, 爽やか, tr4=sawayaka, t4=refreshing; clear; eloquent)
     22. suffix. Usage: ** (suffixusex, ja, 明, tr1=aki-, ら, tr2=-ra, か, tr3=-ka, 明らか, tr4=akiraka, t4=apparent; clear)


or ©
     1. 接続詞. か、または
     2. 接続詞. さもなければ、そうしないと。
           Do your best as possible, or you'll be sorry.
     3. 名詞. (紋章)金色、黄色(金色の代替色)
     4. 形容詞. (紋章)金色の、黄色の
           Azure, a bend or.(青地に金の斜め帯)


     1. 接続詞. ~かどうか。
           He chose the correct answer, but whether by luck or by skill I don't know.
           Do you know whether he's coming?
           He's coming, whether you like it or not.

if ©
     1. 接続詞. もし~なら
           副詞節を作る。if で始まる節および主文の法は直説法または仮定法となる。
     2. 名詞.  仮定





