Lexis Rex ホーム

とる  は英語で
to capture


     1. v. (ja-vp, とる, とれる)
     2. v. 取る: to take
           人の手を取る - to take someone by the hand
     3. v. 取る: (board games) to capture
     4. v. 取る: to pick up
           花束を手に取る - to pick up a bouquet of flowers
     5. v. 取る: to pick up on; to grasp
           意味を取る - to grasp the meaning
           バランスを取る - to achieve balance
           バランスが取れない - unable to maintain balance
           曲の拍子が取れない - unable to pick up on the time of a song
     6. v. 取る: to earn
           いい成績をとる - to get good grades
     7. v. 取る: to remove (one's glasses, etc.)
           歯の黄ばみを取る - to remove the yellowness from teeth
     8. v. 撮る, 録る: to photograph, film, or record
           火のあかりを写真に撮ったりしていました。 - They were taking photos of the light of the flame.
           虫を撮る - to take pictures of bugs
     9. v. 捕る, 獲る, 取る: to catch; to capture
           虫を取る - to catch bugs
     10. v. 獲る: to hunt (animals)
     11. v. 盗る, 取る: to steal
     12. v. 執る: to do (work), to perform (duties), to take (trouble)
     13. v. 執る: to take the command
     14. v. 摂る, 取る: to have food or a meal, to ingest, to eat
     15. v. 摂る: to take nutrients, to take in
     16. v. 採る, 取る: to take, to adopt (a measure, a choice, etc.), to choose
     17. v. 採る: to take (a blood sample etc.)
     18. v. 採る, 取る: to pick (plants), to harvest
     19. v. 採る: to employ
     20. suffix. (informal)contraction of ja (tr=-te oru)


