Lexis Rex ホーム

ない  は英語で


     1. suffix. (non-productive) used to form derivative -i adjectives from other terms: having that quality, having that state; very much that quality or state
           切ない、幼けない、ぎこちない - very moving, really young of manner, having clumsiness
     2. adj. 無い: no, not any
           スプーンが無い。 - There is no spoon.
     3. adj. not reaching a certain quantity; less than
           (ja-x, 海%岸まで100メートルとない, かい%がん まで ひゃく メートル と ない, The coast is less than 100 meters away from here.)
     4. adj. (by extension) 亡い: passed away, dead
           (ja-x, 私は亡い者と考えてください, わたし は ない もの と かんがえて ください, Suppose I were a dead person.)
     5. adj. Usage: * (ja-uk)
     6. adj. Usage: * In public speech and written language, the irregular expressions
     7. adj. Usage: * When used as an auxiliary adjective, it follows:
     8. adj. Usage: *the 連用形 of -i adjectives, which ends in ; and
     9. adj. Usage: *the 連用形 of -na adjectives and nominals, which ends in .
     10. adj. Usage: ** In either case a binding particle (係助詞) can be inserted between the ren'yōkei and the nai, but is usually used for the latter.
     11. adj. Usage: ** では can be contracted to じゃ.
      Usage: **     このパソコンは安くない。 - This computer is not cheap.
      Usage: **     私は韓国語は上手ではありません。 - I am not good at Korean.
     12. suffix. (Used to form the negative of verbs:) not, don't
           学校に行かない。 - I don't go to school.
           貸してくれないか。 - Won't you lend me some money?
     13. suffix. Usage: ja-infl-demo
     14. suffix. Usage: godan
     15. suffix. Usage: 聞く;きく0;きかない0;書く;かく1;かかない2
     16. suffix. Usage: 嗅ぐ;かぐ0;かがない0;泳ぐ;およぐ2;およがない3
     17. suffix. Usage: 貸す;かす0;かさない0;話す;はなす2;はなさない3
     18. suffix. Usage: 取り持つ;とりもつ0;とりもたない0;立つ;たつ1;たたない2
     19. suffix. Usage: 死ぬ;しぬ0;しなない0;凍え死ぬ;こごえしぬ4;こごえしなない5
     20. suffix. Usage: 呼ぶ;よぶ0;よばない0;選ぶ;えらぶ2;えらばない3
     21. suffix. Usage: 望む;のぞむ0;のぞまない0;読む;よむ1;よまない2
     22. suffix. Usage: 終わる;おわる0;おわらない0;作る;つくる2;つくらない3
     23. suffix. Usage: 言う;いう0;いわない0;会う;あう1;あわない2
     24. suffix. Usage: 追う;お.う0;おわない0;食う;くう1;くわない2
     25. suffix. Usage: kami ichidan
     26. suffix. Usage: 似る;にる0;にない0;見る;みる1;みない1
     27. suffix. Usage: 借りる;かりる0;かりない0;生きる;いきる2;いきない2
     28. suffix. Usage: 感じる;かんじる0;かんじない0;用いる;もちいる3;もちいない3
     29. suffix. Usage: shimo ichidan
     30. suffix. Usage: 寝る;ねる0;ねない0;出る;でる1;でない1
     31. suffix. Usage: 開ける;あける0;あけない0;食べる;たべる2;たべない2
     32. suffix. Usage: 忘れる;わすれる0;わすれない0;助ける;たすける3;たすけない3
     33. suffix. Usage: 憧れる;あこがれる0;あこがれない0;訪れる;おとずれる4;おとずれない4
     34. suffix. Usage: irregular
     35. suffix. Usage: する;する0;しない0;来る;くる1;こない1
     36. suffix. Usage: * Attaches to the 未然形 of the verb. For 五段活用 verbs, this is the stem form ending in -a.
     37. suffix. Usage: ** ない is not formed on ある. The negative form of ある in the modern standard language is the adjective ない, not *. However, other negative suffixes do form
     38. suffix. Usage: * This word is morphologically an inflectional suffix. It is classified as 助動詞 in traditional Japanese grammar.
     39. suffix. Usage: * Generally
     40. suffix. Usage: * The auxiliary nai and the adjective 無い have mostly converged in modern usage. One distinction that is still maintained by some speakers appears when attaching そう or
     41. suffix. Usage: ** Adjective nai + sō or sugiru → nasasō, nasasugiru
     42. suffix. Usage: ** Auxiliary nai + sō or sugiru → nasō, nasugiru
     43. suffix. Usage: ** The process of convergence is ongoing, and the さ-infix might be used by some speakers even with the auxiliary. This could be considered as proscribed in formal contexts, as slang or


     1. 限定詞. 少しも…ない。
           There is no water left.
           No hot dogs were sold yesterday.
     2. 限定詞. 全く…できない、全く…が許されない。
           No smoking
           There's no stopping her once she gets going.
     3. 限定詞. 決して…ではない。全て…というものではない。
           My mother's no fool.
           Working nine to five every day is no life.
     4. 副詞. そうではない状況で。
           I just want to find out whether she's coming or no.
     5. 間投詞. (en-intj)(又は副詞)
     6. 間投詞. 質問に対し、否定形で返答することを表す。
     7. 間投詞. (肯定疑問文に対し、それとは違う見解を表す)いいえ。
           'Do cups swim?' 'No, they don't.'
     8. 間投詞. (否定疑問文に対し、同じ見解を表す)はい、うん。
           'Don't cups swim?' 'No, they don't.'
           'Don't you like milk?' ''No' (i.e., 'No, I don't like milk.')
     9. 間投詞. (不同意、否定の意思を表示)いや。
           'No, you are mistaken.'
           'No, you may not watch television now.'

