に は英語で
に | |
1. syllable. (ja-kana-def) | |
2. part. (with nouns) | |
3. part. (ngd, particle for indirect objects); to | |
俺に返せ。 - Give it back to me. | |
4. part. (ngd, particle for location); in, at | |
学校にいる。 - I'm at/in school. | |
5. part. (ngd, particle for direction); toward, into | |
銀行に行った。 - I went to the bank. | |
学校に行く。 - I'm going to school. | |
6. part. (ngd, particle indicating a passive agent); by | |
蚊にさされた。 - I was bitten by a mosquito. | |
7. part. (ngd, particle indicating a point in time); at | |
7%時にね。 - confirmation of when an event will take place | |
8. part. (ngd, particle used occasionally to replace と when organizing and counting); and | |
9. part. (ngd, particle for indicating the emotional reason that one does something); in | |
お礼にお菓子を贈る - to gift sweets in gratitude | |
復讐に殺人を犯す - to commit murder in revenge | |
10. part. (with verbs) | |
11. part. (ngd, particle indicating purpose/intent); for; to | |
映画を見に行く。 - I'm going to see a movie. | |
寝に帰るだけの部屋 - a room only used when coming home to sleep | |
12. part. (with な-adjectives) | |
13. part. (ngd, adverbializer); -ly | |
14. part. : (coord, ja, く) | |
確か に - certainly | |
15. suffix. (of a child) taking after (q, in appearance) | |
お母さん似 - resembling their mother |
to | ![]() | ||
1. 前置詞. (方向、方角)~へ。~まで。 | |||
We are walking to the shop. 私たちは店まで歩いているところです。 | |||
2. 前置詞. (形容詞の後について、形容詞の指し示す対象を特定する)~に。~と。 | |||
similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ... | |||
I was nice to him. 私は彼に親切にした。 | |||
He was cruel to her. 彼は彼女に残酷だった。 | |||
3. 前置詞. (比較) | |||
one to one 1対1、 ten to one 10対1 | |||
4. 前置詞. (間接目的語) | |||
I gave the book to him. 私は彼に本をあげた。 | |||
5. 前置詞. (動詞の原形を後置し、不定詞を作る) | |||
I want to leave. | |||
He asked me what to do. | |||
I don't know how to say it. | |||
To err is human. |
toward | ![]() | ||
1. 前置詞. ~へ向けて、~へ向かって |

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