Lexis Rex ホーム




     1. syllable. (ja-kana-def)
     2. part. non-gloss, unique topic marker, often untranslatable
           これは犬です。 - This the topic, about which we are speaking is a dog.
           今日は雨ですね。 - It seems like it is raining today.
           今日は雨が降っています。 - literally As for today, rain is falling.
     3. part. what about, where is (used without a predicate to ask for more information about something)
           中田は? - Where's Nakada?
           じゃ、意味は? - So, what's the meaning?
     4. part. (Inserted between two verbs for emphasis.)
           そう思ってはいないでしょうか。 - Do you not think so?
           勝てるとは思ってはいない - does not think that one can win
           現れては消えた - disappeared as soon as it appeared
     5. part. Usage: * Note that English has no direct counterpart. For illustrative purposes, it may be translated as "as for", "speaking of", or a similar phrase. For example, "As for this, it is a dog". T
     6. part. Usage: * When inserted between two verbs for emphasis, は is usually used with negatives and after a form. This has given rise to
     7. part. Usage: *
     8. part. Usage: * は always replaces
     9. interj. (dated humble) (Used to show agreement or obedience): yes
           (ja-x, .は、さよう で ございます。, Yes, exactly.)
           (ja-x, は、承%知いたしました。, .は、しょう%ち いたしました。, Yes, as you wish.)


what about
     1. 副詞. 提案する。
           What about going to a restaurant tonight?
           You're obviously having a good time, but what about me?
     2. 副詞. 別な主語や目的語に言及して、質問を繰り返すときに用いる。
           A: Is John coming tomorrow?  B:Yes  A: What about David?
           A: ジョンは明日来る?  B:ええ。  A: デーヴィッドは?
           A: Do you like football?  B:No  A: What about basketball?



