2. n. A person who moves, on foot, at a fast pace, especially an athlete.
The first runner to cross the finish line wins the race.
3. n. Any entrant, person or animal (especially a horse), for a race or any competition; a candidate for an election.
The mare is the stables' runner for the 5.15 race at Epsom.
The judge said she would not be a runner in the upcoming elections.
4. n. Somebody who controls or manages (e.g. a system).
5. n. A person or vessel who runs blockades or engages in smuggling. (Especially used in combination with other words, e.g. a gunrunner).
6. n. (cricket) A player who runs for a batsman who is too injured to run; he is dressed exactly as the injured batsman, and carries a bat.
7. n. (baseball, softball) A baserunner.
The runner was out at second.
8. n. (Australian rules football) A person (from one or the other team) who runs out onto the field during the game to take verbal instructions from the coac
9. n. Anyone sent on an errand or with communications, especially for a bank (or, historically, a foot soldier responsible for carrying messages during war).
10. n. (slang) A quick escape away from a scene.
He did a runner after robbing the drugstore.
11. n. A type of soft-soled shoe originally intended for runners, compare trainer; a sneaker.
12. n. A part of an apparatus that moves quickly.
After the cycle completes, the runner travels back quickly to be in place for the next cycle.
13. n. A mechanical part intended to guide or aid something else to move (using wheels or sliding).
14. n. A smooth strip on which a sledge runs.
15. n. The blade of an ice skate.
16. n. The channel or strip on which a drawer is opened and closed.
17. n. The curved base of a rocking chair, sometimes called the rocker.
18. n. (slang) An automobile; a working or driveable automobile.
The car salesman told me that the used Volvo was a nice little runner.
Is that old Mercedes on the forecourt a runner? / No, it has no gearbox.
19. n. A strip of fabric used to decorate or protect a table or dressing table.
The red runner makes the table so festive.
20. n. A long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area such as a hall or stairs.
How about we put down a clear runner in the front hall.
21. n. (slang) A part of a cigarette that is burning unevenly.
22. n. (botany) A long stolon sent out by a plant (such as strawberry), in order to root new plantlets, or a plant that propagates by using such runners.
23. n. (climbing) A short sling with a carabiner on either end, used to link the climbing rope to a bolt or other protection such as a nut or friend.
24. n. (poker slang) A competitor in a poker tournament.
25. n. A restaurant employee responsible for taking food from the kitchens to the tables.
26. n. A leaping food fish of Florida and the West Indies; the skipjack, shoemaker, or yellowtail.
27. n. (sports slang) An employee of a sports agent who tries to recruit possible player clients for the agent.
28. n. (video games) A speedrunner.
29. n. An idea or plan that has potential to be adopted or put into operation.
This idea isn't a runner. Let's not waste any more time on it.