タオル は英語でtowel 英語の定義 タオル 1. n. towel その他の翻訳と定義 towel 1. タオル towel 1. n. A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying anything wet, as a person after a bath. 2. v. (lbl, en, transitive) To hit with a towel. 3. v. (lbl, en, transitive) To dry by using a towel. He got out of the shower and toweled himself dry. 4. v. To block up (a door, etc.) with a towel, to conceal the fumes of a recreational drug. 5. v. (dialect) To beat with a stick. ウィクショナリーから辞書引用発音"バスルーム"の他の単語 ランダムクイズ:牛乳の単語は? 今日の単語を購読するメール: