player | ©
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1. n. One that plays | |
2. n. One who plays any game or sport. | |
3. n. (theater) An actor in a dramatic play. | |
4. n. (music) One who plays on a musical instrument. | |
5. n. (gaming, video games) A gamer; a gamester. | |
6. n. (gambling) A gambler. | |
7. n. (historical) A mechanism that actuates a player piano or other automatic musical instrument. | |
8. n. (electronics) An electronic device that plays audio and/or video media, such as CD player. | |
9. n. (computing) A software application that plays audio and/or video media, such as media player. | |
10. n. One who is playful; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler. | |
11. n. A significant participant. | |
He thought he could become a player, at least at the state level. | |
12. n. (informal) A person who plays the field rather than having a long-term sexual relationship. | |