Lexis Rex ホーム



     1. n. life
           命の恩人 - person to whom one owes their life
     2. n. lifespan
     3. n. lifetime
     4. n. fate, destiny
     5. n. (figuratively) the most important part or aspect of a thing
     6. n. the words or pronouncements of a god or an emperor
     7. n. the honorable, the exalted
           Used as a title after the referenced noun when referring to gods, emperors, or other high-status persons.
     8. n. the beloved, dearly beloved
           Similarly used as a title after the referenced noun.
     9. pron. you
     10. pron. that person
     11. pron. Usage: Used ironically from the late (Heian period), expressing a sense of mild derision or ridicule.
     12. n. fate, destiny
     13. n. life, lifespan
     14. n. order, command


     1. 名詞. いのち、生、生命、生物、いきもの
     2. 名詞. 生存、存続、生きること。
     3. 名詞. 一生、人生、生涯
     4. 名詞. 寿命、耐用年数
     5. 名詞. 生活、くらし、(動物の)生態
     6. 名詞. 生き様、生き方。
     7. 名詞. 伝記(=biography)
     8. 名詞. 実物
     9. 名詞. 活力、元気
     10. 名詞. 終身刑(=life sentence)

