Lexis Rex ホーム

時間  は英語で



     1. n. time
           時間 は あります か? - Do you have any time?
           時間 は いつ で も 大丈夫 です。 - literally As for time, whenever is fine.
           もう こんな 時間! - literally it's already this sort of time!
           時間 に ルーズ - literally lax about time
           時間 と 空間 の 関係 - the relationship between time and space
     2. n. hour
           1%時間 は 60%分 です。 - One hour is 60 minutes.
     3. n. the hours or time when something happens
           試験 時間 に 遅れた - literally late to the time of the exam
           営業 時間 は 月火水、午前 9%時 から 午後 2%時 まで です。 - Business hours are Monday to Wednesday, 9 AM to 2 PM.
           開館 時間 - hours of operation
           時間 です! - literally It's time!
           閉園 の 時間 です! - literally It's time for our closing!
           あまり 時間 が なくて すみません - sorry for not having the time to do something
     4. n. Usage: The more general word for time, as in "when something happens", is .
      Usage: *     海辺に行った時 - the time I went to the beach, when I went to the beach
     5. counter. an hour-long period
           一時間、二時間、五時間半 - one hour, two hours, five and a half hours
           何時間もかかりそうです。 - Apparently it will take many hours.
     6. n. (dialect Ibaraki) time
     7. n. (dialect Ibaraki) hour
     8. n. (dialect Ibaraki) the hours or time when something happens
     9. counter. (dialect Ibaraki) an hour-long period


time ©
     1. 名詞. 時間。
     2. 名詞. 回。
     3. 名詞. 倍。
     4. 動詞. (他動詞)時間を計る。
     5. 動詞. (自動詞)拍子を合わす。
     6. 形容詞. 時の。
     7. 形容詞. 時限式の。

hour ©
     1. 名詞. じ、時、1時間 (60分)
     2. 名詞. 時期
     3. 名詞.
     4. 名詞. 時刻

     1. 動詞. はしる。cf.walk.
           Run, Sarah, run!
     2. 動詞. すばやく動く。
           The horse ran the length of the track.
           I have been running all over the building looking for him.
           Sorry, I've got to run; my house is on fire.
     3. 動詞. すぐに広がる。
           There's a strange story running around the neighborhood.
           The flu is running through my daughter's kindergarten.
     4. 動詞. ~をすばやく動かす。
           Every day I run my dog across the field and back.
           I'll just run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet.
           Run your fingers through my hair.
     5. 動詞. にげる
           Whenever things get tough, she cuts and runs.
           When he's broke, he runs to me for money.
     6. 動詞. (水など)ながれる
           The river runs through the forest.
           There's blood running down your leg.
     7. 動詞. 鼻水をたらす
           Your nose is running.
     8. 動詞. 流れ出す。
           Why is the hose still running?
           My cup runneth over.
     9. 動詞. ~を流れ出させる。
           You'll have to run the water a while before it gets hot.
           Run the tap until the water gets hot.
     10. 動詞. (物事等)つづく
           The sale will run for ten days.
           The contract runs through 2008.
           The meeting ran late.
           The book runs 655 pages.
           The speech runs as follows:...
     11. 動詞. (連続したものが)のびる
           The border runs for 3000 miles.
           The leash runs along a wire.
           The grain of the wood runs to the right on this table.
           It ran in quality from excellent to substandard.
     12. 動詞. ~を続かせる
           I need to run this wire along the wall.
     13. 動詞. 作動する、動作する。
           My car stopped running.
           That computer runs twenty-four hours a day.
           Buses don't run here on Sunday.
     14. 動詞. ~を操作する。
           It's full. You can run the dishwasher now.
           Don't run the engine so fast.
     15. 動詞. (計画などを)実施する、実行する。
           They ran twenty blood tests on me and they still don't know what's wrong.
           Our coach had us running plays for the whole practice.
           I will run the sample.
           Don't run that software unless you have permission.
           My computer is too old to run the new OS.
     16. 動詞. ~を経営する、~を統制する。
           My uncle ran a corner store for forty years.
           She runs the fundraising.
           My parents think they run my life.
     17. 動詞. 競争する。出走する。
           The horse will run the Preakness next year.




