We need to conduct an overnight sleep test to diagnose your sleep problem.
2. 名詞. (俗語) 一眠り。
I'm just going to have a quick sleep.
3. 名詞. 目脂。
Wipe the sleep from your eyes.
4. 動詞. (自動詞) 眠る、寝る。
You should sleep 8 hours a day.
5. 動詞. (自動詞)こまが歳差運動を伴わないで回る。
When a top is sleeping, it is spinning but not precessing.
6. 動詞. (他動詞) 寝床を提供する。
This caravan can sleep up to four people.
7. 動詞. (他動詞, 同族目的語) ~の様子で寝る。
to sleep a dreamless sleep
to sleep a sound sleep
1. v. (intransitive) To rest in a state of reduced consciousness.
You should sleep 8 hours a day.
2. v. (intransitive, of a spinning top or yo-yo) To spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion.
When a top is sleeping, it is spinning but not precessing.
3. v. To cause (a spinning top or yo-yo) to spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion.
4. v. To accommodate in beds.
This caravan can sleep up to four people.
5. v. To be slumbering in (a state).
to sleep a dreamless sleep
6. v. (intransitive) To be careless, inattentive, or unconcerned; not to be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly.
7. v. (intransitive) To be dead; to lie in the grave.
8. v. (intransitive) To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie dormant.
a question sleeps for the present; the law sleeps
9. v. (computing, intransitive) To wait for a period of time without performing any action.
After a failed connection attempt, the program sleeps for 5 seconds before trying again.
10. v. =====Troponyms=====
11. v. (rest in a state of reduced consciousness) nap, doze, snooze
12. n. The state of reduced consciousness during which a human or animal rests in a daily rhythm.
I really need some sleep.
We need to conduct an overnight sleep test to diagnose your sleep problem.
13. n. (informal) An act or instance of sleeping.
I’m just going to have a quick sleep.
14. n. (informal, by extension) A night.
There are only three sleeps till Christmas! -
15. n. Rheum, crusty or gummy discharge found in the corner of the eyes after waking, whether real or a figurative objectification of sleep (in the sense of reduced consciousness).
Wipe the sleep from your eyes.
16. n. A state of plants, usually at night, when their leaflets approach each other and the flowers close and droop, or are covered by the folded leaves.
Synonyms: nyctinasty, nyctitropism
17. n. The hibernation of animals.
1. 動詞. sleepの動名詞形又は現在分詞形。
2. 形容詞. 眠っている。休眠中の。休止している。
Let sleeping dogs lie.
(格言)眠ってる犬は寝かせておけ。/ 寝た子を起こすな。
1. v. present participle of sleep
2. adj. Asleep.
3. adj. Used for sleep; used to produce sleep.
4. n. The state of being asleep, or an instance of this.
1. n. The process of falling asleep.
2. n. (euphemistic) The process of death or the actual death itself.
3. n. (Eastern Orthodoxy, often, capitalized) The death and assumption into heaven of the Virgin Mary.
1. n. The state or characteristic of being dormant; quiet, inactive restfulness.