Lexis Rex ホーム



     1. n. (anatomy) the armpit, the underarm
     2. n. the underarm area of clothing
     3. n. the side of something (this sense may also be spelled or ).
           脇から口を出す - “to put one's mouth in from the side” → to jump into a conversation
     4. n. a tangent, such as in a conversation
           話題から脇へそれてしまう - “to wander away from the topic and off onto a tangent” → to stray off-topic
     5. n. something in a secondary and supporting role:
     6. n.    in ancient Japan, an assistant to the 春宮坊
     7. n.    in the medieval period, old name for 関脇
     8. n.    in 能楽, the supporting role played alongside the main protagonist
     9. n.    in 浄瑠璃, the supporting reciter
     10. n.    in 邦楽, the accompaniment
     11. n. something of lesser importance, something on the back burner (often used in constructions such as 脇にする, 脇になる.)
     12. n. short for
     13. n. somewhere, someone, or something else


     1. 名詞. 腋下、わきの下
     2. 名詞. 不愉快な場所

     1. 動詞. (他動詞)側面を攻撃する。
     2. 動詞. (他動詞)側面をまもる。
     3. 動詞. (他動詞)側面に位置する。
     4. 名詞. (anatomy)脇腹わきばら横腹よこばら
     5. 名詞. (cooking)脇腹肉。
     6. 名詞. (軍事)側面。翼。
     7. 名詞. 側面。わき
     8. 形容詞. (米, 海事, スピードが)最大の。

