Lexis Rex ホーム

詰める  は英語で
to stuff


     1. v. (ja-vp, 詰める, 詰まる)
     2. v. (ja-vp, 詰める, 詰む)
     3. v. to stuff; to fill; to cram
           (ja-x, 衣装を詰めた鞄, いしょう を つめた かばん, a bag full of clothes)
           (ja-x, 虫歯を詰める, むしば を つめる, to fill a tooth)
     4. v. to draw together or nearer; to shorten or narrow
           (ja-x, 席を詰めて座る, せき を つめて すわる, to sit closely)
           (ja-x, 経費を詰める, けいひ を つめる, to reduce cost)
     5. v. to finish; to complete
           (ja-x, 沢筋を詰める, さわすじ を つめる, to walk to the end of a stream)
           (ja-x, 議論を詰める, ぎろん を つめる, to have a thorough discussion)
     6. v. to stand by; to wait and be ready
           (ja-x, 首相官邸に詰める, しゅしょう かんてい に つめる, to stand by at the official residence of the prime minister)
     7. v. (shogi chess) to checkmate
     8. v. (q, attaching to continuative form of other verbs)
     9. v.    to make unable to escape; to corner
     10. v.   : (ja-x, 問い詰める, といつめる, to interrogate)
     11. v.    to do something to the greatest extent
     12. v.   : (ja-x, 通い詰める, かよいつめる, to frequently visit)


