1. n. a portable infra-red homing surface-to-air missile
2. n. A pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack.
3. n. Anything that is used to sting, as a means of attack.
4. n. Anything, such as an insult, that stings mentally or psychologically
5. n. a cocktail of brandy and crème de menthe
6. n. A portable bed of nails to puncture car tires, used by police and military forces.
7. n. A minor neurological injury of the spine characterized by a shooting or stinging pain down one arm, followed by numbness and weakness.
8. n. A station identifier on television or radio played between shows.
9. n. A scene shown on films or television shows after the credits.
10. n. (slang) A nonlethal grenade using rubber instead of shrapnel, more commonly called a sting grenade.
11. n. (slang) A final note played at the end of a military march.
12. n. (slang) An extension cord.
13. n. (slang) A stinging nettle.
14. n. Chironex fleckeri, an extremely venomous Australian box jellyfish.
1. 名詞. 手。
2. 名詞. (時計)針
3. 名詞. 拍手
4. 名詞. 関与
5. 名詞. 所有
6. 名詞. 管理
7. 名詞. 支配
8. 名詞. 方向
9. 動詞. 手渡す
10. 動詞. (手を貸して)導く
1. n. The part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in a human, and the corresponding part in many other animals.
Her hands are really strong.
2. n.That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand.:
3. n. A limb of certain animals, such as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey.
4. n. An index or pointer on a dial; such as the hour and minute hands on the face of an analog clock, which are used to indicate the time of day.
5. n.In linear measurement::
6. n. (chiefly in measuring the height of horses) Four inches, a hand's breadth.
7. n. (obsolete) Three inches.
8. n. A side; part, camp; direction, either right or left.
9. n. Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity.
10. n. An agent; a servant, or manual laborer, especially in compounds; a workman, trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful.
an old hand at speaking; large farms need many farm hands
11. n. An instance of helping.
Bob gave Alice a hand to move the furniture.
12. n. Handwriting; style of penmanship.
a good hand
13. n. A person's autograph or signature.
Given under my Hand and Seal of the State this 1st Day of January, 2010.
14. n. Personal possession; ownership.
15. n. (usually in the hands) Management, domain, control.
in safe hands; in good hands; He lost his job when the factory changed hands. With the business back in the founder's hands, there is new hope for the company. With John
16. n.That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once.:
17. n. (card games) The set of cards held by a player.
18. n. # A round of a card game.
19. n. (tobacco manufacturing) A bundle of tobacco leaves tied together.
20. n. (collective) The collective noun for a bunch of bananas.
21. n. Applause.
Give him a hand.
22. n. (historical) A Native American gambling game, involving guessing the whereabouts of bits of ivory or similar, which are passed rapidly from hand to hand.
23. n. (firearms) The small part of a gunstock near the lock, which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.
24. n. A whole rhizome of ginger.
25. n. The feel of a fabric; the impression or quality of the fabric as judged qualitatively by the sense of touch.
This fabric has a smooth, soft hand.
26. n. (archaic) Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance.
27. n. (archaic) Agency in transmission from one person to another.
to buy at first hand (from the producer, or when new); to buy at second hand (when no longer in the producer’s hand, or when not new); It's not a rumor. I heard it at first hand.
28. n. (obsolete) Rate; price.
29. v. To give, pass, or transmit with the hand, literally or figuratively.
He handed them the letter. She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
30. v. To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct.
to hand a lady into a carriage
31. v. (transitive, obsolete) To manage.
32. v. (transitive, obsolete) To seize; to lay hands on.
33. v. (transitive, rare) To pledge by the hand; to handfast.
34. v. (transitive, nautical, said of a sail) To furl.
1. n. A sort of very large nail; also, a piece of pointed iron set with points upward/outward.
2. n. Anything resembling such a nail in shape.
3. n. An ear of corn or grain.
4. n. (botany) A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis.
5. n. (in plural spikes; informal) Running shoes with spikes in the soles.
6. n. A sharp peak in a graph.
7. n. The long, narrow part of a high-heeled shoe that elevates the heel.
8. n. A long nail for storing papers and, by extension, the metaphorical place where rejected newspaper articles are sent.
9. n. (volleyball) An attack from, usually, above the height of the net performed with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
10. n. (zoology) An adolescent male deer.
11. n. A surge in power.
12. n. (slang) The casual ward of a workhouse.
13. n. Spike lavender.
oil of spike
14. n. (music, lutherie) (synonym of endpin).
15. v. To fasten with spikes, or long, large nails.
to spike down planks
16. v. To set or furnish with spikes.
17. v. To fix on a spike.
18. v. To embed nails into (a tree) so that any attempt to cut it down will damage equipment or injure people.
19. v. To prevent or frustrate.
20. v. To increase sharply.
Traffic accidents spiked in December when there was ice on the roads.
21. v. To covertly put alcohol or another intoxicating substance into a drink.
She spiked my lemonade with vodka!
22. v. To add a small amount of one substance to another.
The water sample to be tested has been spiked with arsenic, antimony, mercury, and lead in quantities commonly found in industrial effluents.
23. v. (volleyball) To attack from, usually, above the height of the net with the intent to send the ball straight to the floor of the opponent or off the hands of the opposing block.
24. v. (military) To render (a gun) unusable by driving a metal spike into its touch hole.
25. v. (journalism) To decide not to publish or make public.
26. v. (football slang) To slam the football to the ground, usually in celebration of scoring a touchdown, or to stop expiring time on the game clock after snapping the ball as to save time for the losing te
1. インジケータ, インジケーター
1. n. A pointer or index that indicates something.
2. n. A meter or gauge.
3. n. The needle or dial on such a meter.
4. n. (chemistry) Any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction.
5. n. (ecology) A plant or animal whose presence is indicative of some specific environment.
6. n. (economics) A measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends.
7. n. (Australia) A trafficator (dated definition); each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change etc.