Lexis Rex ホーム




     1. n. head (body part)
           頭が痛い。 - My head hurts.
     2. counter. a head, as when counting people, or cattle or other livestock
     3. n. 頭: the head as a whole
     4. n. 頭: boss, leader
     5. n. 頭: top part of a Chinese character
     6. n. 頭, 首: the head of a doll
     7. n. head
     8. n. (obsolete) head
     9. n. head
     10. n. hair of the head
     11. n. head
     12. n. (derogatory) head
     13. n. Usage: Often spelled in hiragana, as (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, どたま).
     14. n. head
     15. n. Usage: This reading is more often found in compounds, such as (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 頭痛, tr=zutsū, , a headache).
     16. counter. counter for certain relatively large animals, or for livestock animals; "head".
           合わせて 1300 頭 余り が 出荷 され、 全国 各地 に 流通 した。 - Altogether over 1300 head of cattle have been distributed throughout the country.
           三頭の北極熊 - three polar bears
           一頭の羊 - one sheep
     17. counter. counter for insects (used only in biology)
     18. n. head


     1. 名詞. あたま
           Be careful when you pet that dog on the head; it may bite.
     2. 名詞. (精神活動としての)頭脳。
           The company is looking for people with good heads for business.
           He has no head for heights.
     3. 名詞. 考え。
           This song keeps going through my head.
     4. 名詞. 冒頭。
           What does it say on the head of the page?
     5. 名詞. 長方形のテーブルにおける上座。
           During meetings, the supervisor usually sits at the head of the table.
     6. 形容詞. 頭の。
     7. 形容詞. 主要な。
           The head cook.
     8. 形容詞. 最上位を占める。
     9. 形容詞. 先頭の。
           head sea
           head wind
     10. 動詞. 他動詞 ~を取り仕切る。
           Who heads the board of trustees?
     11. 動詞. 他動詞 ヘディングをする。
     12. 動詞. 自動詞 へさきを向ける。
     13. 動詞. (釣) 頭を執る。
           The salmon are first headed and then scaled.

leader ©
     1. 名詞. リーダー
     2. 名詞. 指導者
     3. 名詞. 指揮者
     4. 名詞. 先頭にたつ人



