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The German word for to grip is

to grip

German Definition

     (wir) greifen
     (ihr) greift
     greifen, ergreifen

Translations for grip and their definitions

     n. grip, grasp; (figuratively) reach
          der Griff nach den Sternen
     n. handle
          Türgriff - door handle
     v. first-person singular preterite of greifen
     v. third-person singular preterite of greifen

     n. gerund of greifen
     n. plural of Greif
     n. genitive singular of Greif
     v. to grab; to grasp; to grip (something)
     v. to grab; to seize; to snatch (in an aggressive way)
     v. to reach; to grab
          an etwas greifen - to grab onto something
          nach etwas greifen - to reach for something
          zu etwas greifen - to reach for something
          in etwas greifen - to reach into something
     v. to capture (someone)
     v. to strike
     v. to take hold; to bite
          Trotz des schlechten Wetters griffen die Reifen hervorragend - The tires did bite perfectly despite the bad weather.

     n. gerund of ergreifen
     v. to seize, capture
     v. to take up (a job, etc.)

     v. to hold; to adhere
          mit aller Kraft festhalten. - to hold on to (it) with all one's strength.
     v. to retain
          ausdrücklich festhalten. - to state expressly.
     v. to record; to capture
          schriftlich festhalten. - to record in writing.
     v. to detain
          Sie wurde sie gewaltsam festgehalten. - She was forcibly detained.

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